I would buy a coin like this, but not the other way around: i.e. nice reverse, not-so-nice obverse. I have a few like this, most purchased because of nice obverse toning.
maybe........... need to see the coin in person sight seen to know it all depends omn the look and if the coin is exceptional as comapired to other same similar coins within its respective series
I would (and have), but it depends on a number of factors such as how much worse the reverse is, how the coin is net graded, and how it's priced. As an example, I bought an 1864 small motto 2 cent piece that has a small hole in the wheat on the reverse, but that has a very sharp motto on the obverse. Since that's what distinguishes this coin, I bought the coin for a VF price, but it has AU details where it counts.
sincerely michael