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What are the merits of the 1989 silver eagles vs the 1990 ones?

Just kidding Adrian. image


  • wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭✭

  • It is the exact opposite of the merits between an 1889 Morgan and a 1890 Morgan. image
    Time sure flies when you don't know what you are doing...

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  • Actually I was just looking at my ASEs last night, and thinking that the PCGSms69 1990 was the nicest looking coin in the whole collection. It looks much more mirrored and prooflike than any of the other coins in collection thus far.

    Funny you should pick that coin in particular to ask about. image

    I'm sure you a rolling your eyes right now. I am telling you the truth. I know what you ment when you posted this thread. image


    Howdy from Houston...

    Can't keep my eyes
    from the circling skies
    Tongue tied and twisted
    Just an earthbound misfit,

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