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Boston: Been there, just did that.

I was in Boston this morning and attended the show and thought I'd give everyone a little run down just in case you can't make it, or live in France or something -

Of the ~5000 coins being displayed in the room, 3,000 were ancients and 1,000 were common date gold coins in overgraded 61, 62 and 63 holders.

There was some stange guy selling IndoChinese bronze knives from 1000 AD, but I guess he had just stumbled into the wrong room.

The woman collecting entrance fees at the door was older than some of the 3,325 coins noted above, and (this is not a joke) accused every 3rd person in line of not paying immediately AFTER they had handed her their $3. That was nice.

There is nothing more depressing than viewing a table filled with whizzed and cleaned common date silver type coins arrayed in those stapled cardboard holders with 'Gem BU' written joyously in script on every single one of them.

I am pleased to report that (for the 427th consecutive coin show) not one single collector was able to overpower the security staff and break into the bourse floor prior to the official 10 AM start time. What is up with this? You've got 75 people crammed into a doorway waiting to get in and some guys blocking the door until 10:08 as though some kind of secret stuff is going on in there and we are not allowed to see it. Come to think of it, maybe they were just finishing up those Gem BUs or something.

I bought a book.

On to Baltimore, where I expect the quo to be status, but I hope not.



  • GeminiGemini Posts: 3,085
    The show was bad but what about the book? image
    A thing of beauty is a joy for ever
  • ms71ms71 Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the report. Glad I didn't make the drive from NH.
    Successful BST transactions: EagleEye, Christos, Proofmorgan,
    Coinlearner, Ahrensdad, Nolawyer, RG, coinlieutenant, Yorkshireman, lordmarcovan, Soldi, masscrew, JimTyler, Relaxn, jclovescoins

    Now listen boy, I'm tryin' to teach you sumthin' . . . . that ain't no optical illusion, it only looks like an optical illusion.

    My mind reader refuses to charge me....
  • Not much going on, but OK for kids. I spent an hour there and scooted. The book was a catalog for the old library.

    Singapore, were you with your son?
  • TD -

    I planned on going with my son but he bailed at the last minute - which was really a drag - because I think it was an ideal show to introduce him to coin collecting. Small kid friendly venue, plus I wasn't distracted running around trying to buy a bunch of stuff.

    I figure if I were to try take him to a NY ANA or something thats pretty tough - 1) It'll be overwhelming, 2) I'll be running around trying to see everything before its sold and my kid'll be dragging behind me, and 3) its a long trip in.

    I used to go to some little show with my dad when I was a kid and loved it, but I used to ASK to go. I don't want to drag my son if hes not into it so that he ends up hating it, coin collecting and me in one fell swoop.

    Maybe when hes a bit older.
  • 09sVDB09sVDB Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭
    Just got home myself. I was the first time in ten years that I had gone. Thought the attendance was very low and the material very weak. Ended up buying four PCGS coins and selling two raw coins. Also had the same problem with security. I was there at the openning too. Scott Travers even had to cancel his talk, "due to a family emergency." Disappointing.
  • I was there Friday and Saturday. This was the first year that I found parking right outside the hotel on the first try - which indicates a low attendance. I was looking mostly for slabbed stuff this time around. Picked up a couple of common date Morgans in PCGS and a nice key date Walker. I've been at the show for the past 5-6 times. I usually just go to 2-3 dealers and pass the others by. There are some jerky dealers there that I won't deal with. One of my biggest grips is that most of the material is put out on the table without any prices. It's hard to evaluate whether you want to purchase something without pricing informationl.

    Report Card
    Parking A
    Weather A- (beautiful day)
    Dealers B-
    Slab selection C+ (few PCGS slabs, lotsa junk slabs)

    I'll still go next fall
    Take a Look at My Auctions TOO My Auctions

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