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When collectors worlds meet

The FedEx guy brought me my 1959 10c PR67DCAM today.

I have this palm tree in front of my house that is kind of growing sideways (due to the tropisim of plants and the sun) and he collects them. He was concerned about mine because the palms were laying under tree and wanted to know if I would be willing to sell it.

He said it saddens him because he collects them and hates to see objects of his hobby in bad shape and spent 10 minutes telling me all about palms. Since he spoke with the same passion as a coin collector would about coins, I told him he could dig it up and take it if he put something else in it's place, as I only like it for the privacy it affords (it's in front of one of my windows).

I didn't tell him about my coins, because I'd rather not have people know what they are delivering. But collectors seem to have the same passions about the hobby, whether it's plants or coins.image
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since 8/1/6

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