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what is the prettiest coin image on the internet right now ?

For sale or not makes no differnce to me since there is no way i can buy any coins without charging them for the forseable future but i still like eye candy so please post or link to your favorite coin pic and if you can tell us why you like them.

i could only tell you the ones that i like since i can't post coin pics,

The pics i've seen lately that really grabed me by the... never mind that phrase just say they hooked me were gemini's seated half, a 1868 [i think] seated half dime in proof 66 cam at one of the board members ebay stores and an 1897 barber half in proof 66 cam at larry whitlows [which would be mine if i was still working.] post pics of those coins if you want to they show where my taste in quality and colorfull eye candy lies and please show us yours.

Eye candy, i feel like a drug addict who's been cut off of supply, so if all i can do is look, than i need you folks to feed my habbit with pics.
The President claims he didn't lie about taxes for those earning less then $250,000 a year with public mandated health insurance yet his own justice department has said they will use the right of the government to tax when the states appeals go to court.


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