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help please! type 1 vs type 2 SBA 1981-S?

BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
to anyone who knows these, can you tell me which type 1981 SBA this is? it's the only one of these I have so can't compare to any others in person, looks like the type 2 in my book but ???

thanks in advance!

Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry


  • supercoinsupercoin Posts: 2,323
    Tough to tell from the photo, but it looks like a Type 1. The Red Book has good photos under the SBA section, or to compare to known examples in real life, look at these proof coins of any denomination:

    1980 -- All are same as 1981 Type 1
    1982 -- All are same as 1981 Type 2
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    I think it's a type 1. The type 2 S looks more like an 8.
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • Need a better close up!
    You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
  • leothelyonleothelyon Posts: 8,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here are some pics. They are from left to right,
    79t1, 79t1, 79t2
    81t1, 81t2, 81t2
    The really big pics show the t2 over the t1 S

    Hopes this helps. Also another thread by Madmarty shows some pics.

    Good luck,


    The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!

    My Jefferson Nickel Collection

  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    thanks, thats helping. here's a better pic, maybe this is definitive?

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Looks like a T1 to me.
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ...........and i'll go against the grain and say Type 2 from the scan.

    al h.image
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    With the new scan, I'm switching to a type 2 also.
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Need Leo to pipe in, he's the expert.
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ok, here's an even bigger pic, and took one of the S on the 1981 penny, is THAT a type one or a type 2?

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    the bigger pic looks like a Type 1.

    al h.image
  • supercoinsupercoin Posts: 2,323
    The better SBA photo still looks Type 1 to me. The mintmarks are punched in by hand, and this one perhaps wasn't punched as deeply as it should be, which makes the tips of the S look separated from the middle section (like a Type 2) but it doesn't have the bulbous ends of the Type 2, nor does it have the flattened "backbone" of the Type 2.

    The Type 2 can sometimes not be well punched either, so it's tricky. As an aside, personally if I were buying a Type 2 I would look for a nice definitive one... the difference is subtle enough as it is. image

    The Lincoln looks like it may be a Type 2, but the photo is really fuzzy so I'm guessing.

    Any luck comparing it to 1980 or 1982 proofs in real life?

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