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Bodybags, part 2

nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
Would you consider issuing a credit for future certifications if a coin is bagged? This is because it doesn't go through sealing, final lookover, and the overhead of that. It would seem that a 25-33% credit for future certifications would soften the blow of a bodybag and encourage additional submissions.



  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    This is something we consider in the first year or so...1986/87. The reason we didn't do it then is because we didn't want to make things easy for the doctors. What everyone needs to realize is that the doctors take shots at us every day. They have done everything...tried every color...tried every heat method...tried every chemical treatment. It's enough to make a PCGS grader paranoid. No relief for the doctors...send us a body bagable coin and you still have to pay full fare. My advice is that if you buy raw, you need to know who you're buying from and get them to warrantee that the coin is not doctored.
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