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They're Correct! The services are super tight!!!!!!!!

Just received some coins back from NGC today. Man did I get killed!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, whoa is me...........
'37-d Buffalo nickel, 3 legger NGC xf/45......Should have been au/55!!!!!!!! If things weren't so tight, I wouldn't have lost so much money on this coin
1863-s half dime NGC ms/62......ms/64 all day, every day, a few years back. I was ROBBED!!!! Luster, color......it's criminal.
A couple of bust half dimes that came back au/55 and 58 respectively. With toning like these posess, how couldn't they get into ms holders????? Are they crazy? They're strangling me!!!!!!!!
2 Body Bags to boot!!!!!!!!!! Two different bust half dimes. Imagine, cleaned, and the gall to suggest that one of them is bent, AS WELL AS CLEANED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's insanity!!!!!!

Ok, enough fun. image Now the truth? I'm a moron for missing the "bent" aspect of one of the half dimes, although I don't see the cleaning distraction on that particular coin. The other bag that came back as cleaned, I agree with, but the 4 coins came from the same album with the same toning, and I was hoping NGC would slab all the brothers and sisters together. NOT.
The two slabbed bust half dimes are graded correctly, and came in just about where I figured they would. The buffalo nickel came back a bit higher than I planned, but I'm not going to complain image The 63-s looked like a killer slider to me. Very nice color and a tougher date to boot. I'm going to be checking with Stephen Crain at the Bay State show on this coin, as I believe there is some sort of repunching with the mint mark, and I can't find any listing of this in any of my books.
My previous submission from approx. 3 weeks ago had similar results, everything where, or approximately where I planned, with no bodybags.
Am I a grading guru? Not even close. Just realistic. image

Ebay Stuff


  • darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    BigD5- you had me worried for a little bit! I have been subitting gold to NGC on a regular basis and I have noticed no change in the grading standards on these type of coins or at least not yet I guess I should keep quiet until I get my latest resultsimage. mike
  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    That's kind of my point. I haven't noticed anything different, at all. Things seem to be status quo for the stuff I'm sending in.

    Ebay Stuff

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