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PR: Baltimore - Ancient Numismatic Society of Wash., DC

The Ancient Numismatic Society of Washington, DC will be participating in
the March 14-16, 2003 Baltimore Coin and Currency Convention, and will
have a table to present their organization to our dealers and guests.

There is also a ANSW meeting scheduled for 3 P.M. on Saturday, March 15th,
in Room 301 of the Baltimore Convention Center. The public is welcome.
Bob Weimer, ANSW Second Consul, will present a program entitled "The
Twelve Caesars and Other Imperial portraits.

Two of the ANSW members have authored new books:

Arthur Houghton is co-author, with Catharine Lorber, of "Secleuci Coins, a
Comprehensive Catalogue. Part 1: Seleucus 1 - Antiochus III. (Now Published)

Victor "Tory" Failmezger is the author of Roman Broze Coins: From Paganism
to Christianity, 294-364 A.D. (Due out April)

Please stop by the Ancient Numismatic Society of Washington D C's
for more information on the organization and these new books.

Ed Kuszmar

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