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New Coin Club donations wanted

GeomanGeoman Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭
Hello everyone,

As some of you have heard, I am starting a new local coin club up here in Duluth, Minnesota. And I am asking for any support and any help you may be able to give me, as I really am trying hard to make this new club an overwhelming success. So, I am appealing to you, and your kindness, in asking for small donations - either it be lower-end slabbed coins that didn't make the grade, circulated coins, those old wheat pennies you have laying around not knowing what to do with, or any numismatic books for our library.

Some brief background - I have heard that there used to be a coin club in Duluth, about 9-10 years ago. But it died. The reason being that some little old ladies needed a free place to plat BINGO at night, so they would start coming to the coin club meeting. They would not buy a single ticket for the drawing, listen to the talks, or ever bid on a coin in auction. Soon, they would start taking over the tables for their BINGO game. It got to the point where the ladies would not even wait for the group to be done with their auction, and just take over the tables from the start. Hence, the coin club died.

So I am trying to start it once again. The name of the new club is Twin Ports Coin Club. And the first meeting is set for Tuesday, March 25th. I have contacted and have the support of several people, including Patti Finner, an ANA Governor, Jim Majoros, the ANA's National YN Coordinator, and our one local coin dealer in town, who is donating a few items for the first meeting. He is dontating 20 rolls of wheat pennies for the first 20 people to show up. Also a Red Book for a drawing. Plus, I am advertising in his shop, and over town. Numismatic News has run one ad (February 18th, page 28) and will be running another ad soon.

Here is some contact information:
----website: www.geocities.com/twinportscoinclub
----email: twinportscoinclub@yahoo.com
----flyer: Flyer on the new club

I apoligize if I have "stepped over the line" in posting this message here, and if you feel it is inappropriate. However, I am willing to take any criticism some may feel like giving, as I feel that this is all for a good cause. Please PM me with any offers, and I'll give you my address. My hope is to receive enough donations for the raffles/drawings of the club. I am also trying to get non-profit status for the club, and give you my personal word that any donations will be used strictly for the club, and not for me personally. That is why I have given the contact info above, so you can see that this is a legitimate club.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. And please PM me with any other questions you may have.



  • GeomanGeoman Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭
    ttt, for the afternoon crowd.
  • I've sent a PM, offering up a few goodies to get a new club off the ground. Any other board members plan to help out?


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • ttt and good luck!


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • One more time...ttt


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!

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