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Interesting coin facts

I have been going through an old Litteton Coin book thats been sitting around since 1992 and came across some interesting coin facts. If anyone has other interesting facts please post them too. This one has allways been my favorite.

Facts about Lincoln and Kennedy:

Lincoln was elected in 1860
Kennedy was elected in 1960
There are seven letters in each name
Both were slain in the presence of thier wives
Both were directly concerned with civil rights
Both Presidents had legality of elections contested
Kennedy's secretary Lincoln warned him not to go to Dallas
Lincoln's secretary Kennedy warned him not to go to the theater
Both of thier successors were named Johnson
Andrew Johnson, Lyndon Johnson - Each name contains 13 letters
Both served in the U. S. Senate
Both were southern Democrats
Lyndon Johnson born 1908
Andrew Johnson born 1808
Booth and Oswald were both southerners favoring unpopular ideas
Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and hide in a theater
Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and hide in a warehouse
Booth and Oswald were murdered before trail could be arranged
Lincoln and Kennedy were carried in death on the same caisson
Booth and Oswald were born one hundred years apart
Lee Harvey Oswald , John Wilkes Booth - Each name has 15 letters

Ok these facts aren't about the coins but I thought they were interesting.


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