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eBay's acquisition of PayPal

got another scam email today - titled eBay's acquisition of PayPal from aw-eBay.com

Links me to another site and asks for it ALLL!!! (it takes me to ///statess.us/ xxxx)

my eBay account and password, my Paypal password, my checking account numbers, and my credit card!

I wish I knew how to enter a computer virus as my info or better yet a bomb


  • littlewicherlittlewicher Posts: 1,822 ✭✭
    I got an ebay scam letter the other day. It said that I was being investigated for fraud or something. I don't enable HTML on my email, so I checked the link that they wanted me to go to. It wasn't even to an ebay site. They wanted me to put in my account information and stuff.

    For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.
    -Laura Swenson

    In memory of BL, SM, and KG. 16 and forever young, rest in peace.
  • There is very little eBay can do to prevent these kind of things. BUT the recent ones I received are actually using ebay URL's and a "cross-site" scripting like bug in an eBay code module. In the end, you get a web page from a 3rd party 9scammers) site, but the URL looks like eBay. And, in fact, the request from your browser is going through eBay who, very cooperatively gets the page from the scammers site.

    I am AMAZED that eBay has allowed this to go on for three weeks that I know of without fixing their bug. This is one they could stop.

    I work for a very large financial service company in a group that provides their Internet home banking service. While we cannot prevent people from impersonating us (though we chase them very quickly and very aggressively with lots of expensive lawyers so it doesn't happen often), I can say that if an imposter took advantage of a bug like that one that currently existd on eBay, to help them imporsonate us, our website would be SHUT DOWN instantly until people could fix the bug (and it would be fixed in a very short amount of time, at least to the extent that we could re-establish a safe connection for our customers). Maybe, because I work for an organization that treats money and customer information very conservatively, I am unfair to eBay---but I don't think so--they have had three weeks to fix this apparant cross-site scripting bug and have neglected to do so leaving their site up the whole time.

  • Thanks for the warning guys.
    Stupidly, I fell for one of these cons a few years ago and it cost me dearly. I think this kind of thing should be made a capital offense!Twowood image

    Do you know it took Germany three days to conquer France in World War II? And that's because it was raining.

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