The Postman Didn't Even Ring Once! ** Coin Pictures Added **

I was hoping to reveive two coins I bought from EVillageProwler today. I saw the mail lady delivering to the boxes, and waited in anticipation of the doorbell to sign for a package. She closed up the boxes, got in her truck, and drove right by without a glance.
I hope they come tomorrow. Both coins are from the 1800s, both are MS62, and neither are cents, nickels, or morgan dollars. My set progress has been slow, Cameron is pulling further ahead, and I have someone nipping at my heels.
My other hope is for some nice pickups at the Biloxi coin show Saturday.

I hope they come tomorrow. Both coins are from the 1800s, both are MS62, and neither are cents, nickels, or morgan dollars. My set progress has been slow, Cameron is pulling further ahead, and I have someone nipping at my heels.
My other hope is for some nice pickups at the Biloxi coin show Saturday.
Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
I got that in a fortune cookie, just the other day
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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