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Peace Dollar graders - please take a look

Here's a 1927-S Peace Dollar that I bid on. It looks nice, but I find that the Peace dollar is one of my grading weaknesses. Could you guys give me your commemts. Also take a look at the doubling on the top obverse lettering and the 2 in the date. Strike doubling?

1927-S Peace

"Have a nice day!"


  • Peace dollars are tough, but opinion grades are worse. If he is saying that it is MS-63 it should be graded and slabbed. It doesn't look choice AU at all!


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  • FrattLawFrattLaw Posts: 3,290 ✭✭
    I'll leave the doubling to the experts in that area, but I think its a 63. Usually, these are very baggy and well knocked around. Expect some of that when you actually see the coin. But the strike is strong, which again tends to be weak on these coins. Actually any of the 1927 Peace $ tend to be well marked up with chatter in the fields.

    I think its a 63, just hard to tell how the luster is from the dull pic. And I don't really like the fingerprint on Liberty's face and neck.

  • Listen close because I'm going to save you a lot of money. "If a coin is nice it will be in a slab". Can you remember that?
    No dealer that I know sells nice coins raw. Not a single one. Often coins that appear to be nice are crack-outs. If you want
    nice coins, you must be willing to pay for them. Dealers do not give good deals on purpose.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    imo, 1927-s is a tough, tough date above ms-60. coin in question looks weird, or it's a rotten digi-pic.


    K S
  • Bingo, Billiardmaster. You hit the nail on the head. Sadly for the buyer, I am absolutely sure that the coin in that picture will not be worth 165 dollars. The picture is all wrong, no luster is shown, probably on purpose, the obverse portrait is covered with curved lines which in person will turn out to be fingerprints or worse. Never buy raw coins on EBAY, never!
    In an insane society, a sane person will appear to be insane.
  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Never buy raw coins on EBAY, never!

    I disagree.

    raw circulated type is fairly safe to buy online if you know how to grade from a picture and have a decent price sheet, and the coin "fits" in your collection.

    ditto bu modern singles and rolls, if you're paying common bu prices, not inflated grade prices.

    I do agree that taking the seller's word that the point or two that are required on High-spread items like this, that buying it as if it's all
    "there" is stretching, and with this one
    the 1927S peace,
    dropping sooooo much if it turns out AU 58 or lower,
    and paying full MS 62 trends, is risky.

    In MS60 that's a $100 coin, if you're looking for a slider peace dollar with that "look"

    Unless, of course, there's a premium associated with the doubling, that i dunno, but yes, I do see it especially over the R and T

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • I agree with eagle. It looks like there is a big ol fingerprint on liberties chin.
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    Peace dollars are tough to grade.
    I think it's an average looking coin, the strike is ok. How bad the obv & rev fingerprints have inpaired the luster is what concerns me. Doesn't look to be very baggy. Judging from the picture I'd say you're looking at a 63 but if it is then you got a killer rip on it. Don't be afraid to take advantage of the seller's 10 day return offer.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
  • I like the coin, the obverse looks great with exception to the fingerprint. The reverse tells me a different story. The breast feathers appear worn to me.

    It could be the scan/pic but something tells me the coin doesn't look right. I'm wondering if the scan was enhanced.

    There is the question of selling an MS63 for $60 less but I have found some good deals in my (short) time.

    If you were the winning bidder, let us know when you receive the coin.

  • ahah Posts: 161 ✭✭✭
    The scanned image is of poor quality, I think and I would grade coin at ms60.

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