Suggestion to Ebay
People selling numismatic coins mostly of US origin, sell on the basis of what you see is what you get, however, there are MANY sellers auctioning their coins as CERTIFIED---Ebay NEEDS to know certification CAN be "anything" from "anyone" and should be FROM professional STANDARDS known RECOGNIZED throughout the industry. The grading policies from unrecognized services SEEM to have a quality FAR greater than the REAL value of the coin. (This is not true in all instances), I highly recommend Ebay change their polices of coin sellers to REQUIRE or differentiate between the first tiered coins from the second tiered coins. MANY $ are at stake here. You may not realize it, newbies do not realize it---The newbies BOUGHT the coins which are TRULY not worth the grades under which they thought. While I FIRMLY believe sellers should be TOTALLY upfront with their auctions, I strongly advise Ebay to be careful in their middleman demeanor. I would suggest perhaps DIFFERENT catagories for coins----Those certified by the industry standards and THOSE not of the same.---There are THOUSANDS of dollars at stake here and I can't emphasize MY message. Too many people out there are PAYING WAY too much and it is an area in which Ebay SHOULD not be involved. I must say if Ebay does nothing, I should take my business elsewhere since I believe some sort of FRAUD is taking place. Once again this is of grave concern to me and MANY others. The experts in the industry KNOW/BUY ONLY the grading services which are recognized---there are far too many services SHOWN on Ebay which are inferior.
I sincerely trust I won't receive a response repeating your standard policies which in fact are nothing more than a care less attitude allowing flagrant fraud to be perpretrated within your idea of corporate profits---AS in you are above what is OK in this world---
Now that I got your attention---can you work with me? Maybe not care less, but I trust you know what I mean. This is serious, I know you make money with every sale---WE need to draw the line.
This is a REAL community issue needing closure.
Is this too much of an efforf to fight City Hall??--Sorry for the long post, I'm pissed.
I sincerely trust I won't receive a response repeating your standard policies which in fact are nothing more than a care less attitude allowing flagrant fraud to be perpretrated within your idea of corporate profits---AS in you are above what is OK in this world---
Now that I got your attention---can you work with me? Maybe not care less, but I trust you know what I mean. This is serious, I know you make money with every sale---WE need to draw the line.
This is a REAL community issue needing closure.
Is this too much of an efforf to fight City Hall??--Sorry for the long post, I'm pissed.
Its a foul ball by a fair margin.
The Lincoln cent store:
My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
I'm afraid I've taken the same position as eBay on this.
I didn't read it
My posts viewed
since 8/1/6
I can see Ebay turning over all their transactions to the respective boards of equalization of every state in exchange for immunity from the sales tax people.