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We will be famous...probably...somewhat opps--posted to the wrong board

MarkMark Posts: 3,544 ✭✭✭✭✭
If you already read this on the other board, ignore it here--I did not mean to post it to the set registry forum. Sorry about this!

For those of us who have been a while, the 9-11 quarter story is well know. (For those who just arrived, in a nutshell, after the terror attacks on 9-11, a few of the board members worked with PCGS to encapsulate and auction or sell 100 NY state quarters with a special insert. All the money received for these coins was donated to the Widow's fund and over $40,000 was raised.) Anyway, I wrote up a piece about this endeavor, submitted it to the Numismatist, the ANA's magazine, and after revising it, I am told it is in line to be published in the April issue.

If everything goes as planned, maybe in early April we will see an influx of new visitors to these boards because I mentioned the URL in a couple of places. So, perhaps we should start to arrange what we want to do if we get a bunch of board newbies...we could have Lucy greet everyone as they arrive, we could have Russ inquire as to their possession of Kennedies, perhaps we could ask Greg to change his icon (image), we could make sure that Pepperdoodles is far, far away, and so on.....

Anyway, I am PROUD as can be that the efforts of PCGS and of the board members who contributed so much time and money will finally receive some overdue recognition! I am only sorry that the Numismatist changed its style so that the story is shorter than I think warranted. Some people's efforts, which were noted in the first draft, had to be cut because their space constraint is exceedingly tight. So, if you think I blew it by overlooking someone or something, I apologize in advance and can only point to my flawed memory and their space limitations.


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