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Clashed Dies??????

I hope I got this right, first time attempting to attach photo's.
Please look at Lincoln's Adams Apple. There is a triangle/half square there.
Is this a clashed die?


  • Here's another angle of same coin....
  • Looks like a die chip. Coppercoins could elaborate better. Ken
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Yes, a light clashed die. I have one exactly like this and one with a more raised clash on the obv.
  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭
    That is a clashed die - exactly opposite that point on the coin would be one of the memorial bays - a high point on the die, which would be one of the first points to hit the obverse in the event of a clash - which is why it's about the only part that shows in the clash.

    Stronger clash marks on the obverse of the memorial Lincoln cent appear to be "boxes" forming a bar-like appearance on the obverse - the voids in the die from where the columns are on the reverse. When these show nicely, the coin is worth some premium value as a so-called "jailhouse" or "prisoner cent" die clash. The voids of the columns look like prison bars behind Lincoln's head.

    Nice examples of stronger die clashes in BU condition typiclly sell for $5-$10. Clashes such as yours are actually rather common on memorials, and are VERY common on wheat cents. The cause of the marks on the wheat cent are the letters in ONE CENT on the reverse.
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
  • Thanks for the verification guys.....
    This coin is not only clashed dies, but a Type2, and broadstruck. One variety and two errors on a single coin.
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    Agreed. That's the opening between the 8th & 9th column. I can see the clashing above the date and in front of the chin if I look real hard.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.

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