Next Registry Special -- Any Hints??

I believe the pre-1972 commons @ $7 a card special is over the 28th of February.
Anyone know what PSA has up its sleeve for March?
I wouldn't mind seeing $5 / card special come back.
If this topic has already been posted, I apologize, I have been away for some time.
Anyone know what PSA has up its sleeve for March?
I wouldn't mind seeing $5 / card special come back.
If this topic has already been posted, I apologize, I have been away for some time.
Penn State Football
I'd also like to see that 5 buck deal come back...
I'm sitting on about 2000 cards, waiting for the signal from PSA........
(The postal guy is going to hate this)!!
Hush! Boggsie would be all over that deal, and Vegas states that hecould meet the minimum submission number without breaking a sweat.
Guys, don't hold your breath, the days of a $5 submission are history. New CEO, a revenue need, a cheapening of the product, the negative effect on market prices with existing slabs, all combine to eliminate these deals. Where is the incentive for the big boys to constantly submit 5 or 10 thousand per month at nearly the same rate as a guy who submits 25 cards per submission? His "edge" to make an extra buck on that slab has just been lost. Why should he continue to submit? The market still has to absorb all those extras that the collectors submitted and sell to help offset their own cards. Just Economics 101
Well stated. That's pretty much what I was thinking. I just took a different approach to my response.
I think everyone needs to assess what their cards are worth to them. If you have 25 cards that you're willing to submit for grading, what does it matter whether the grading fee is $5 or $7 per card. If you are trying to complete a set, the $2 per card difference is usually well less than the premium you'd pay for buying the card already graded on ebay. Send me the raw NM-MT or MT cards you have that I need and I'll pay you double what Beckett lists them for and still gladly pay $7 per card for grading.
Let's face it - if the market rate is $7/card, we'll see '70s commons in PSA 8 selling for $5+, and 9s have to go for $15+. Drop it to $5, and you'll see both numbers take a 30% haircut...
Sol, you may submit plenty of volume to PSA and they should cut you a favorable deal by scale,
but the average collector out there is the bread and butter of their revenue stream.
A few large dealers do not make the company. It is precisly those 25-100 card submissions that
are key to revenue flow.
The specials did indeed kick-start common grading which has been almost exclusivley done by collectors.
PSA needs a steady flow of small submissions much more than a single large submission.
Id PSA does not come up with a good reason to grade commons from 70's/80's/90's then thats when they will be in trouble.
Loves me some shiny!
<< <i>NY Councilman Charles Barron "I want to go up to the closest white person and say, 'You can't understand this, it's a black thing,' and then slap him, just for my mental health." >>
Totally inappropriate on a PSA forum. Just had a long thread on the Sports Card and Mem forum about this and I thought the issue was resolved.
Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
Loves me some shiny!
Vargha's post concerns political signature lines. Supporting a black man attacking white people is a lot more than political. This kind of inflammatory stuff does not belong on a Sportscard forum.
Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
If you are going to judge at least understand where I am coming from by reading other posts I have made.
Loves me some shiny!
Say, $5.55 per card of the following:
Any player born in an even year, cards from even years can be submitted for special price.
Any player born in an odd year, cards from odd years can be submitted for special price.
I know this takes away, League Leaders, Playoffs, and other multiple player and non sport cards, but it puts a unique spin on things.
<< <i>How about a unique twist of post 1972 sportscard special--
Say, $5.55 per card of the following:
Any player born in an even year, cards from even years can be submitted for special price.
Any player born in an odd year, cards from odd years can be submitted for special price.
I know this takes away, League Leaders, Playoffs, and other multiple player and non sport cards, but it puts a unique spin on things. >>
Maybe PSA could offer this special in conjunction with a PRE 1972 sportscard special for any card depicting a player born after 1960.
The new special will be posted within the next week. It should be a Set Registry Special for Vintage cards (pre-1972) for $10/card with a 10 Business Day Turnaround and must be postmarked by April 30th.
Peter Ma
Customer Account Manager
Gee Barry,
You were wrong!! That does make my day.I am going to rush down to the local Post Office and send in a couple of thousand.
I actually kind of like it - sent in most of the commons for grading, now I can sent in the stars and get a fast turnaround.
<< <i>Gee Barry,
You were wrong!! That does make my day.I am going to rush down to the local Post Office and send in a couple of thousand.
Vic >>
Vic, I know a couple of years ago at a Tri Star show i attended in Nashville the BIG dealers were getting same day service for $8 a card with a 100 card minimum, where as the public was paying $35 a pop for the same thing. That discrepancy still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, which is why I dont submit alot, I just buy the cards I want already graded which is more cost effective lately considering the lack of consistency from the graders lately.
Maybe a lot of us little guys should get together and submit regularily as a big guy.I am guessing that the big guys are getting submissions for $5 a card as a standard.I am just not sure about the # of submissions a year.Maybe I will do a little inquiring.
"Guys, don't hold your breath, the days of a $5 submission are history. New CEO, a revenue need, a cheapening of the product, the negative effect on market prices with existing slabs, all combine to eliminate these deals. Where is the incentive for the big boys to constantly submit 5 or 10 thousand per month at nearly the same rate as a guy who submits 25 cards per submission? His "edge" to make an extra buck on that slab has just been lost. Why should he continue to submit? The market still has to absorb all those extras that the collectors submitted and sell to help offset their own cards. Just Economics 101 "
This anticipated "special" just substantiated my statement.