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Request For More Photos Of Monster Toned Coins

First of all I would like to say thank you to everyone who has sent and or offered the use of their photos on my new web site, www.monstertonedcoins.com

I believe that I now have all of them online. If I missed one please resend it.

Because the only way for me to "automate" the building of the photo gallery does not allow for me to put a link to the contributors email or web site address I will be putting all of that information on a "credits/contributors" page before the site is officially launched.

Before I begin developing more content for the site I would like to load it FULL of photos. If you have any that you would like to share please send them to me at coins@mchsi.com. If possible please include a scan of the slab label (The cert # will be removed if requested). If the coin is not slabbed please include what you grade the coin.

I have high hopes for this site and want it to be a place that you will visit often.


ANA Member R-213302


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