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Coin World's "Beginner's Workshop"

Been following John Maben's "Sharpen your grading skills?" Wow, it's no wonder I've never really liked NGC's grading system. I agree that you should take into consideration when and where a coin was minted, but

"If you submitted an 1896-O Morgan dollar that looked like a MS65 1903-O Morgan dollar, I'll bet you would be very disappointed if it came back in as MS65 holder." or "Most choice AU Charlotte and Dahlonega gold might only be EF if compared to most choice AU Philadelphia Mint or San Fransisco Mint gold."

In the latest edition, he goes on to recommend one even consider viewing a coin through a flip to arrive at a final grade. Why? To consider how it might look in a slab.

These kind statements lead me to believe NGC has taken market grading to the extreme.

Is there no "baseline" at NGC or is each and every date and MM its own baseline. I personally would expect most MS65 Morgan dollars to share more characteristics than not, and to me, that SHOULD apply to most coins of the same type at least.

The one thing I can accept wholeheartedly, is when he says, if you don't arrive at the same grade as NGC, or other services, " ... maybe you are just unfamiliar with the services particular standard for that particular coin.


  • Gilbert,

    John has a thread going about his Coinworld articles on the NGC forum, I would find it greatly instructional if you would post this observation "across the street" as John will comment on, and answer your concerns, regarding your comments. It would make for good discussion "over there".

    Andy image
    We are finite beings, limited in all our powers, and, hence, our conclusions are not only relative, but they should ever be held subject to correction. Positive assurance is unattainable. The dogmatist is the only one who claims to possess absolute certainty.

    First POTD 9/19/05!!

  • GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭

    Appreciate your response; but do I detect that you feel the topic is inappropriate "over here?"

    I brought it up because, being in Coin World as information for collectors, the subject matter generally is service-neutral, other than since John works for NGC, I guess he feels it appropos to only specifically talk about NGC standards. But, alas, based on the responses here, it looks like most everyone else either have no comment, or think it should be over there. I suspect it has more to do with th former, as last time I checked, both forums are populated by the same members.

    No matter. I seem to be swimming against the current, most times anyaway. image
  • I find your post to be most appropriate. It is about coins, and you have the right to post it. Some folks just want to see things that interest them, damn the others. Keep on posting here! Ken

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