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Question on posting pictures

How do you post pictures without having to post a link???


  • You have to upload the picture from your harddrive to a picture host on the web, then copy the complete address, then click the button between the U and the "http" buttons, and paste the address in the text box. At least, that's how I do it image
  • Can you give more info about a picture host on the web. Any costs?
  • I use picturelist.com. I think they charge about $19 for the year. But, there are places where you can get free space, I believe. (The tec guys would know a lot more than I do about it.) If you have an AOL account, I think they give you about 2megs of hosting space for each screen name.
  • I have an AOL account. Could someone help me out on how to use to post pictures without a link!
  • PM me your AOL screen name. I'll walk you through it.
  • "You have to upload the picture from your HD to a picture host on the web"
    That's where I get lost! Twowoodimage
  • Ken,

    Did you get an invite to a chat room on AOL yet?
  • Dan, Not that I can see. There is no new mail, or anything on instant messenger. I have never been on a chat room, though! Ken
  • Ken, I'll try PMing you

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