1975 Mini Wax Pack......To open or not to open?

I have a 1975 mini wax pack I was going to sell on eBay and noticed they are going for about $45. I currently have 6 free grades from PSA from my subscription renewal. I would appreciate any advice on how to proceed. I have other cards I could submit, but most are Griffey Jr. rookies or pre 72 cards that can go in at the special price of $7. I am leaning towards opening the pack. Thoughts?
Bill Roberts
Just for kicks, I purchased a few 1985 football rack packs, with the sole intent of opening them. When I did, I wasn't much too pleased.
the cards were all doubled up and the centering was awful. It also dispelled another notion I had. Just because the top card is centered doesn't mean the rest are. It was still a fun 30 seconds though!
It's hard for me not to open them. There it is.......just sitting there.........every day............
There could be a ___________(enter most desirable card in set) in there!
Since the 75 packs aren't too expensive, I would do it. Just don't get your hopes up too high. Be prepared to unravel a bunch of off center commons.
Let us know if you do!
Unique Chicago Cards
Wrestling Cards
Definitely open it -- there are so many of the mini-packs/boxes out there that the pack value is pretty low -- about the same expense as a tankfull of gas for the SUV - who knows, you may pull the Yount, Brett, Ryan or first or last Aaron! How about holding a Virtual Pack Busting tonight -- pick a time (say 7. P.M. Pacific Standard Time) and post the cards one-by-one as you pull them on separate posts so we can all experience the thrill? Good luck!
and tell us what you got...
Vintage Baseball Cards
Sales and Ebay Consignment Service
Lloyd_Taylor_Vintage_Cards -- on Ebay
So my advice is there is no guarantee whatsover, but open the pack to feel the thrill and relive memories, rather than performing an abstarct math/financial calculation over just a few dollars on whether ou get a low pop 9 or two sb
I would love to hear more about those Mike Schmidt cards -- particularly if they were 1975's --- I think I just noticed the population on that card in PSA 9 increase by one. Please PM or e-mail me.