Mid-Atlantic Snow: How much did you get??

Here is Pa. The Montgomery county area, we are up to 20" and counting.
I have not been out to shovel yet this morning, and not really looking forward to it.
I have not been out to shovel yet this morning, and not really looking forward to it.
Vintage Baseball Cards
Sales and Ebay Consignment Service
Lloyd_Taylor_Vintage_Cards -- on Ebay
Well... when we awoke on Sunday morning and fliiped on the Weather Channel to find out how heavy the wind gusts were that were hitting the house and we stared seeing "Storm of Historic Proportions!" in the mid-Atlantic, we had the van packed in 45 minutes and we were out the door. (After we found out that the wind gusts were 50+ mph).
North Carolina had rain and heavy wind... Virginia had rain and heavy windfrom the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and south. Northern Virginia had light snow by noon yesterday. Maryland was starting to get a little rougher... Route 13 was unplowed but there couldn't have been more than 6 inches on the road. And since there were no cars out - it was smooth sailing (we found out later that a state of ememergency had been declared). Delaware was an absolute "White Out"... I concentrated on watching the ruts in the road with 12 inches of snow on it while my wife kept an eye out for the tractor trailer that was anywhere from 20 feet to 100 feet ahead of us through most of yesterday afternoon.
Once we were over the Delaware Memorial Bridge - we felt like we might be home free.... The New Jersey Turnpike was several inches of packed snow but it moved about 35 miles an hour.
By 8:00 last night, we were back home in Northern NJ and there was already 5 inches of snow on the ground. Right now, there is 18 inches on the ground and its much nicer relaxing around the house knowing that the drive is behind us...
Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
outerbankyank on eBay!
Setbuilders Sports Cards
Ebay: set-builders & set-builders2
Looks like a long day of pouring through pop reports and typing in my latest submission # hoping it gets done!
Used to working on HOF SS Baseballs--Now just '67 Sox Stickers and anything Boston related.
Used to working on HOF SS Baseballs--Now just '67 Sox Stickers and anything Boston related.
Groucho Marx
the windows. It's a mess out there. I dread going out there.
Rob ( Toronto, Canada )
Click here to view my Knickstars collection and wantlist
Any high grade OPC Jim Palmer
High grade Redskins (pre 1980)
We fortunately don't get that too often in South Florida.
I grew up in Pennsylvania, so I know what it's like. I don't miss that at all.
As long as your electricity is on and your computer is working, GO BID ON MY EBAY AUCTIONS!
(ebay userID = same as my CU Board Name)
How's that for a shameless plug?
All the retail stores are closed. Finally! that trip to the grocery store paid off! LOL
Vintage Baseball Cards
Sales and Ebay Consignment Service
Lloyd_Taylor_Vintage_Cards -- on Ebay
Well, I just got in from shoveling. Oh my aching back...
Everyone here in the TRI-State area (PA, DE, NJ) please stay in doors and let the state workers do their work.
Sorry to hear of your condition.
Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
looking for 1988 Fournier estrellas stickers , 1985 Prism Jewel stickers , anything Jesse Owens .
(probably 20" of rain though...Is there such a thing as a "rain blower???...)
Take care, all the folks in the snow zone!!!
I hope all you Snow Birds stay safe.
I'm about to shut down my computer for the night the plow chump just blocked me
in again for the second time. I think he's getting a good laugh the s.o.b.
The secret is to place your cars out in the street, parked sideways, half on the street and half on the driveway as the plows are doing your road. Worked like a charm last storm we had. I saw the plow coming up one side, went outside, parked the cars across the driveway (so I could clear the snow from side to side without obstruction, of course), and watched as the plow went around the cars. It left some snow in the middle of the street from him having to go around, but it wasn't anything that didn't go away with some traffic driving over it later on.
Hey Ed.....Turn down the music and put the sun tan lotion down...
(I would pay PSA 10 money to see those "hula girls" shovel snow in their grass skirts!!!)
Thanks for the advice. I was thinking about doing that but I felt kind of bad. My back voted
we do that next time. Hopefully, that won't be for some time.
However, I did not want to feel like a peasant - I got my chariot on the road yesterday. It may have taken three tries, and I had to get out of the car once Dukes of Hazard style (quite impressive with my physique!), but I was able to burn gas yesterday, as is the American way!
What's snow?? Would somebody send me a sample? It's sunny and cold(mid 50's)here in north Fla(Amelia Island).Oyster roast, barbeque and bonfire on the beach this weekend.Who's coming down? We will find room.
Seriously,I hope that all you snow guys stay safe and be careful in that mess.I feel for you guys.I was in Chicago during the blizzard of 77.What a mess and they say that this one is worse.
Where in N Fla are you?