What kind of light is better to use for grading? Which PCGS use?

in Q & A Forum
I had a 20X magnifier, but There are some kind of lights that help me see in better places, and other not.
I wanna know what type of light is better to view details on coins?
And which one does PCGS uses?
Thanks, I will really apreciate your help.
I wanna know what type of light is better to view details on coins?
And which one does PCGS uses?
Thanks, I will really apreciate your help.
A few old-timers, John Dannreuther and David Hall, use tensor lamps. The coins defintely look a little different under a tensor lamp. I have tried to used the incandescent lamps, but I'm too used to the tensor. You may see me at shows carrying around my tensor.
Most graders use 5X magnification.
Speaking of lighting, some show lighting can be very deceptive. We call it "Long Beach light" after the lights at the famous Long Beach coin show which can make coins look way better than they look under direct incandescent (or tensor) lighting. Be careful at shows!