Scanner/Picture Help
I used to think I was a pretty smart guy. That is until I tried to add pictures to my registry. I have 2 problems and would appreciate any help. I have 2 questions:
1. When I click on the edit pictures link it brings up the usual browse feature. However, when I find the .jpg file and double click the file all it does it fill in the address for the picture on my C-Drive. Shouldn't it automatically download like an email attachment? Am I blind and missing something.
2. Also, I would like to add a scan of the reverse side of the card as well. I've tried several different programs on my computer to merge the 2 pictures into 1 but can't seem to figure it out. Any suggestions?
1. When I click on the edit pictures link it brings up the usual browse feature. However, when I find the .jpg file and double click the file all it does it fill in the address for the picture on my C-Drive. Shouldn't it automatically download like an email attachment? Am I blind and missing something.
2. Also, I would like to add a scan of the reverse side of the card as well. I've tried several different programs on my computer to merge the 2 pictures into 1 but can't seem to figure it out. Any suggestions?
Working on 1962 mid grade Mars Attacks.
Most photo editing software has a "stitch" function that allows you to "stitch" two scans together. You most likely have the ability to do this with the software that came with your scanner and/or printer. Do a search in the software's help index for "stitch" and see what you find. Without knowing what software you have, I can't be of any more help.
Here's an Example of one of my cards from my 1960 Topps Set.
Good luck and let me know if I can be of any more assistance.
Cert number 03682568 -- image file cannot contain any of special characters: "!@#$%^&*()-+|][}{;:'""<>?,./~` ".
I don't have any of those characters in the file name. What gives?
Thanks for the stitch tip. I have been trying to copy and paste for I don't know how long. Works like a charm.
If you go here you can get a free trial version although it may have limited functions.
Your filename that you use when you save the scan can not have any of those characters in it (including spaces). When I save my scans, I name them like this (using the 1960 Topps #20 Roy Face as an example): 1960Topps020.jpg. This easily identifies every scan of every card that I have and is an easy naming convention to remember.
Thanks. I too wish I had mastered my technique from the get-go. My 1970 set still has about 300 or so scans that I need to update. I try to do 10-20 a day. If you keep up with it, it's not that big a deal. I've gotten into the habit of scanning every card (front and back) the day I receive it. It only takes 2 minutes or so for each card and I rarely get more than 20 cards a day.
I believe most software has a stitching feature although it may not be called that. Try searching for other terms such as: join, combine, maybe even panorama. If you can't find anything there, try searching on the internet for a shareware program that will accomplish this. Again, I'm sure there are many simple programs out there that will do this. The simpler the better. I don't use photoshop for this because it is too complicated - I have a program that came with the first scanner that I ever bought (1993 I think) that does this in such a simple two step process. I'm sorry I can't help any more than this, but I'm sure there are many options to do this.
Let me know if you need any more help. I'll do what I can.
Please message me if you find out anything regarding the HP software and the stich technique. I just purchased a 3570c HP Scanjet so we probably are using the same software. Im able to produce high quality scans (within the registry limits) but have only done the fronts so far.
1. My wife is an Ebay Power Seller and she goes to a board called Bob's Tips and was directed to the following web page on stitch. All you have to do is follow the instructions.
2. I downloaded IrfanView as instructed. With this I was able to easily resize and sharpen my images to be stitched. I scanned both sides of the card separately. I used IrfanView - Image/Resize/Reshapen. Based on my scans I found 60% to be about right. I also clicked on Image/Sharpen and found that to help.
3. Next all you need to do is go into Paint. Click on edit/paste from for both pictures. The second one will appear over the top of the first one but all you need to do is move it with the mouse to the right position. That's it. Save it and upload to the registry.
4. Be sure the file name does not contain any spaces or weirdo characters. (this is where the Virtualizard was helpful) I was trying to upload a file named helpless victim and all I needed to do was change it to helplessvictim all one word.
That's it. Boy was I pissed trying to figure this out. These will be the first pictures of any Mars Attacks cards on the registry. Let me know what you think.
Thanks for the advice.
I'm glad I could help. Can't wait to see the scans.
Now all you need help with is posting links here.
When posting a new message, just click the "http" button on the toolbar and copy the url into the box that pops up. Click "OK" and then type the text that you would like to appear highlighted as a link in your message.
For example, in this message I copied "" in the first box, clicked "OK" and then typed "links" in the second box.
Hope that was helpful.
I do appreciate the help.
Thanks for uploading the scans. I can't wait to see more.