Peace Dollar With Rainbow Iridescent Toning
I've been a lurker on the boards for a long time, but I've enjoyed the recent threads with board members sharing photos of cool coins so much that I can no longer resist the temptation to join in. This is a cool endroll piece, and the reverse of the coin is blast white, very gemmy, and very boring when compared to the obverse.
i can't wait to get photo-able, in the meantime i just have to enjoy the coins of those who are.
Frattlaw will probably want that.
and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
Thanks for sharing.
Oh, yeah, welcome to the Boards, looks like you off to a nice start.
I have a 23-D much like that one, just not quite as nice. When you look @ the coin straight on it appears just to be russet toning, as soon as you tilt it, out pops the same colors as your 23. Just amazing color for a Peace $. Get that one slabbed.
And as Zenny has nicely pointed out, if you want to sell it I'd be more then willing discuss a price. Just PM me. I'm putting together a registry set of toned Peace $ and are always looking to add to my toned Peace $ collection.
Thanks for sharing!
P.S. Now post some pics of the REALLY pretty ones.