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Am I wrong? Is this a 1950 proof set rather than MS coins?

I found a first-time seller on eBay billing these coins as a 1950 proof set. LINK The photo is lousy, but the coins sure look MS, rather than proof, to me. I e-mailed the seller, asking him if he was certain these coins were proof. He responded by asking me why I thought they were not proof and said he guaranteed double your money back if they were not proof. Before I could even respond, he sent another e-mail stating he was certain they were proofs. I then e-mailed him describing the attributes of proof coins which appeared to be missing from the set the photographed. No further response, yet. Am I off base? I am nearly certain these are MS coins. If a majority disagrees, I will e-mail seller that my opinion is wrong.

Edited to correct typo


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