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1991 P quarter no visible copper edge? see pic (spelling correction)

I don't know what to make of this. It has rainbow toning (not visible in pic) and no visible copper edge. All comments welcome.
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  • I don't have any pets, but I've been taking care of a nice brown 1938D Buffalo for about 20 years. Recently sent him to PCGS, and an e-mail today says they're returning him designated "1938D/D".

    Anyone know where I can find out more about the D/D? I see it in "Coin Prices, 2003" and in the PCGS Pop listings. Is this a recently-discovered variety?

    Any information or link would be appreciated...
  • The 1938 D/D is a well-known variety, pretty popular actually, your coin will be worth a bit of a premium.

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