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'40 Jeff

Just got back from the local Piggly Wiggly. Since the weather has turned to the better, I thought
I’d grab me some dead animal flesh and have me a little BBQ. After making my purchase, I
glanced at my change (as I always do) and noticed a crud covered Jeff amongst the other shiny
stuff. I stuffed my change in my pocket and made a mental note to take a look at it before I
tossed it in the ole change jar. I returned home and proceeded to spark up the briquettes in
preparation for an evening of Pro-Bowl, beer, and BBQ. While the steaks were waiting for the
fire, I dug into my pocket and examined my change (as I always do). That crud covered Jeff
happens to be a 1940. It’s probably the ugliest nickel I’ve seen, but still, I am completely
fascinated that I am the proud recipient of a coin that’s been in circulation for 63 years.
Now most may say “big deal”, but this simple little coin has just brought me back to a time
when I can remember getting the occasional wheatie, merc, and buffalo in my pocket change. I
remember my excitement then and I still get a little excited when I find something that’s not that
When I first started typing this, I had planned on commenting on the whole collector/investor
thing, but, you know what, it really doesn’t matter. We all do what we do for the reasons we
do it. If you’re happy with the reasons that you do what you do, then good for you. For me, I
love the feeling I get when I accomplish something that I feel is special. Every once in a while, I
might be compelled to brag about it a little (as I always do).


  • Just goes to show that this is a series that I beleive can be collected from the pocket/purse, at least 90%, it also helps if someone in the family or a freind is a cashier at the market or wallmart or somthing like that, but as a kid I haunted banks with two bucks and got roll after roll of nickels, it was fun then and it is fun now.


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  • I can relate. I started collecting as a kid and, for some reason, took a 30 year break. I remember my Dad coming home from work and tossing a buffalo or a wheatie at me and telling me to hold on to them, "you never know". Today, the majority of my early lincolns have been in a folder since that time. I just wish I hadn't been ignorant in my youth and thought that dipping them was cool. Live and learn, boy have I made some mistakes.

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