SCD touts Set Registry

The current issue of SCD has several favorable articles about the PSA set registry. This once widely read paper may now becoming aware of current hobby trends. Some still wonder if SCD is issued weekly or weakly.
The paper does have some staff members who don't share a positive opinion regarding the registry or even graded cards in general. Different views for different folks, SCD is still a reasonably decent and timely source for hobby info.
The paper does have some staff members who don't share a positive opinion regarding the registry or even graded cards in general. Different views for different folks, SCD is still a reasonably decent and timely source for hobby info.
This aint no party,... this aint no disco,.. this aint no fooling around.
I received a free issue of SCD which was the first I had read since about 1999. It really seems to be a shadow of what it once was. It did have some very interesting articles however, but all in all I was a little disappointed.
Ah yes, the PSA special issue. With every base stolen, Rickey Henderson breaks his own record. New low page count isn't a record that a publication wants to see. So in an effort to keep page count up(at least ones people pay for), we've seen some "special" issues. A few weeks back it was Auction House Special, then Supplies Special, then PSA Special. For the low low price of whatever, you can be part of the Special Feature on Auctions, Supplies, and PSA. Thankfully, after SCD's crushing kick to the privates of the hobby's core of collecting, the response to being featured in a PSA special in their pages was rather dismal. They only managed to find one dealer willing to pay them to be featured in their "tribute" to PSA story. Maybe for the last few months the guy was out of the country or in a coma or something, but at least it wasn't a total bust.
My subscription recently expired (on purpose)...who was the dealer?
Show your support, buy something. Tell him you heard about him from the PSA message boards.
Tell them to find the nearest 16 yr old for a redo.
Loves me some shiny!
Anyone seen this before?