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how accurate is the NN price guide?

I've only looked at a few coins but the prices in the NN monthly price guide seem on the high side did anyone else notice this or are these accurate prices?


  • I agree -- they seem a bit high. But it's the guide I use most frequently, for two reasons (and the second is really a function of the first.) (1) I get a complete guide every month. That alone is worth it -- every other guide is truncated. CW prints 'Trends', but not for all coins. _Coinage_ prints type analyses, but not everything. (2) and probably because it comes out every month, the NN guide does seem to change. It is not static, so you can analyze it and watch for shifts. Joel Edler's (sp?) cover column highlights changes quite nicely.
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  • SteveSteve Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭
    The Numismatic News price guide is no different than any other retail "guide" of coin prices. The real prices are what a seller is willing to take and what a buyer is willing to pay. As an example, look at the prices listed for a 1920S Lincoln Cent in grade MS63 or MS65. Then look at prices listed for Red. Then look at prices listed for Red-Brown, then look at prices listed for MS64 RB in Coin World trends. Then look at prices listed on the CU Price Guide here. Then look at prices listed on the Heritage price guide. Then look at prices listed on the Numismedia price guide (Hurry, you better check that one by this Friday or it will cost you $) When you get done checking all the prices, I can assure you that if you want to buy or sell that particular coin in one of those above listed grades and conditions, you will need to find someone to trade with. The price guide is just a range (generally a pretty large range) that determines what the coin is worth. Good luck. Steveimage

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