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FUN IHC pics - toning, cud

LakesammmanLakesammman Posts: 17,413 ✭✭✭✭✭
Picked up a couple interesting coins at the FUN show.

The first is a 1881 with great color on the obverse. As usual, the full spectrum of colors are hard to capture with a single photo. At the show a dealer from Wisc. gave a talk on toning with emphasis on the "spectrum" of toned coins that are out there. It gave me the courage to buy this coin, even though the reverse is fully red - presumably it resided at the end of a roll, face out? The obverse required reveal lights, the reverse Ott lights, to capture the correct colors.


The second is a neat developing cud on a 1866 IHC. It doesn't take much imagination to see that if left in use, a prominent cud would develop. Does anyone viewing this have a 1866 with the cud fully developed??


Have a third coin with pics in the "processor" - will post later.
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