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Non "CC" GSA Morgans - Need Some Help

I'm beginning to see more and more non CC GSA's for sale - mostly dates 1879-1887 in a variety of mintmarks. Does anyone know or have a list of what non CC dates are available in the plastic GSA holders? I've seen populations for the number of CC GSA's by year but never seen anything for the non CC GSA (hard pack). Any help on this niche area of the hobby would be most appreciated.
If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!


  • You're absolutely correct! I can't answer your question but it is an area that could use a boost.
    If you give up your rights, in order to maintain your freedom. You will most likely end up losing both!
    Thats a question for GSAGUY. Send him a pm he is very good about helping anwereing these type questions.
  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425

    I assume you're talking about the non-CC dollars in the GSA hardpacks. If so, there were a total of 27,980 of them sold by the GSA for a minimum bid of $5.00 each. The category sold out when offered for the first time.

    Unfortunately, no accurate records were kept as to the exact dates and mintmarks of these coins.

    You'll find that dates such as the 85-O, 84-O, 83-O, 87-P, 86-P, 79-S, 80-S, and 81-S are often offered for sale on ebay and elsewhere. Other dates sometimes seen include the 79-P, 82-S, 85-P and 83-P. Even an occassional 03-O is also offered. Beyond these dates (hope I didn't forget any of the common ones) the dates/mintmarks get much tougher. For the record, my personal collection includes a total of 26 different dates and/or mintmarks. Most of the advanced collections I've seen include about 16 different dates/mintmarks.

    I'll soon be publishing a book on the GSA sale and will include a chapter with an extensive discussion of the non-CC GSA dollars.

    Hope this helps.

  • You will find information about the non CC GSA coins also in one of the VAM book chapters but its been awhile since I have read it and I dont think it is any more specific than what GSAGUY has already stated. There were also some sold which were not mint state, but I never see any of those, maybe GSAGUY has seen some lately.
    Never try to stop a pig from getting dirty. It is an impossible task and it annoys the pig!
  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425

    You're correct. Van Allen and Mallis have a chapter in their book that deals with the GSA sale. In that chapter they do discuss the non-CC dollars to some degree.

    While most of their non-CC info is accurate, some of it is not. Having said that, to date their book still offers the best account of the GSA's handling of the Treasury hoard and I recommend it for any numismatic library.


  • ColorfulcoinsColorfulcoins Posts: 3,365 ✭✭✭
    GSAguy - thanks. You've provided more info in 5 minutes than I could have found by myself in several days of digging. Of your 26 date/mints, those are all non CC or does that include the 10 CC date/mints? Awesome accomplishment!
    If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!
  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425

    Those 26 different dates/mintmarks I talk about do not include the CC dates.

    Some folks are a bit confused when I say 'date/mintmark' so I'll clarify. For instance, the 1885-P would count as a date/mintmark as would the 1885-O.

    As mentioned in my earlier post, I've examined a number of 'advanced' collections by GSA collectors and typically see a total of about 16 different dates/mintmarks. I guess because I started collecting these coins almost 20 years ago, I was able to snag a few that are rarely encountered on the market. I believe that one or two of the pieces in my collection may be unique in that I've never seen nor heard of another.

    I'll also try to attach a scan of another neat piece from my collection. It's the only known seated liberty dollar from the GSA hoard. It was sold in a softpack for an original price of $3.00!!

    Let me know if you have any more questions. I'd be glad to help.

  • GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭

    Can you expound on your experience(s) with the 1903-O being available in a GSA "hardpack?" I am not disputing the validity of your statement; I am currently away from my reference material, and it just crossed my mind that the '03-O was such a "tough" coin for so long, on the surface, it seems odd that it was available through GSA. I admit I don't have the sales dates of GSA offerings and the date of discovery of the 03-O committed to memory. Thanks.
  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425

    In particular, 3 previously rare date coins released in the early 1960's caused the run on the Treasury's hoard. Those 3 dates were the 1898-O, 1903-O, and the 1904-O. Up to that time, these were considered some of the rarest Morgans in mint state condition. They caused a huge stir when bag quantities came out of the Treasury and although the price plummeted on these 3 dates, so much interest was generated in Morgan dollars that the entire series came to life!

    By the time the doors to the Treasury were shut in March of 1964, most (but not all) of the 3 million or so dollars remaining were from the CC mint.

    In GSA hardpacks, the 1903-O is scarce, but not rare by any means. I'd have to examine my notes, but I believe I've calculated something on the order of 250 of this date/mintmark were included in the GSA sale. The 98-O, and the 04-O, are considerably harder to find. I recently paid $850 for a decent 04-O offered on ebay. The 03-O, depending on grade, typically brings $350-450.

    Hope this helps.

  • The Bluesheet(image) lists 25 different date/mints with prices.You can find them once a month within the Independent Grading Services prices, as well as CC GSA`s.
    A dealer once asked me if I noticed any three-legged buffalos on the bourse,to which I replied,"...no,but I saw alot of two-legged jackasses..."
  • gsaguygsaguy Posts: 2,425

    True, the bluesheet does list 25 different dates/mintmarks and pricing. However, I can tell you for a fact that there are numerous errors within those dates (both additions and deletions) and that the pricing structure they use does not accurately reflect the market (IMHO).

    Actually, I wish I could buy some of those dates at the prices listed.

    When all the dust settles (if it ever does), I suspect that we will discover somewhere between 30 and 35 different dates/mintmarks total in the GSA hardpacks.


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