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Coin Value Database (your thoughts on this)

OK here is the link, im still in design process.


Should I keep the latout like this with the MAX MIN and AVG? or Should I have more of a layout like PCGS with AVG price of each grade?

Also do you think I should go with grey table background and black text>?
Brad T. Simms
SQL Server Database Admin



  • I like it and booked marked it for future use. The white print on the gray is alittle hard to read but I need new glasses so I'm not the best judge of that. Thanks for the very useful site!
    If you give up your rights, in order to maintain your freedom. You will most likely end up losing both!
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    I think a history of price is more valuable than min max and average. Those values have little meaning in a moment of time, statistically. But if you show a chart showing the average (for example) price over time, then that would be useful. Same with max and min.
  • NBSQLGeek,

    I'm liking your website alot! Since just the fact that you're doing this tells me you're a glutton for punishment image... may I offer a couple of suggestions?

    1. Could you show how many coins were averaged together to get the numbers? For example, if a coin shows Min=1000, Avg=2000, Max=3000, but those numbers are based on only 2 sales, it really doesn't give a good picture of any trend.
    2. How's about showing the time-span the data was collected from.... or, only including results from the last year, 6mos, whatever. If you keep averaging prices forever, the average may not be a good reflection of the current market. Are you dropping old data out of the equation?

    You're doing a great job. Keep it up, please!
    NMFB ™

  • As a data analyst by profession, I might make a couple of suggestions...

    #1 - Absolutely trash the white-on-grey format of the table. Hard to read...try a maroon on grey.

    #2 - I know how difficult it is to pull data out of the system, any system, in a manner to easily report from but I would probably set some type of parameter to show min/max/avg limited by the past 24 months or less. Where are you feeding the data from? A single-source, or several random sources? The integrity of the data will pend on the regularity of data...If it iw a monthly update, set your parameter on the data entry date...

    #3 - Are you going to stay only with the grades/companies listed? What is the common factor between each to update your prices?

    #4 - Have you thought about adding a standard deviation column to your data? Not very helpful now, but after 500 updates or so, a pattern should emerge.

    and finally, I would suggest that your right-align the number/totals columns as it will make it easier to assess your holdings and their worth as time (and your collection) progresses...

    It's quite a daunting task...I have built 3 iterations of my own database, and still have a ton of enhancements to make, let alone maintaining the data in and out (the wife does a lot of the data entry thank goodness), but in the long run, the effort is far better than trying to remember what you have and do not have anymore...Continue on!

  • NWCS has a great ideo of doing the graphing. I will be looking into this and seeing how to go about doing this. This is very simple but must work it into a work plan. This will accomplish the number of sales and time of monitoring. Hmm and Coin World sales this information correct? While IM doing this stuff for free?

    I like pain.
    Brad T. Simms
    SQL Server Database Admin

  • Found a simple ASP line chart app to show the trends. Right now the thoughts are to have a link to the trends on the individual coin year mint designation. I will make the decision down the road if I want to have the top 4 grading services on the same graph.
    Brad T. Simms
    SQL Server Database Admin

  • Well, it looks great overall. My only suggestion would be to just get rid of the Max feature. In my opinion it all depends on how bad the collectors want the coin to what they'll pay for it. And the min will prevent people from getting ripped off if they've never sold that type of coin before, and the average would tell them what they should expect more or less so.
  • I have made changes like the White on Grey and the position of the Values to right position.

    I thought I found a good line chart script for the website to hvae a free coin value trends, but it just was sad to use.

    Does anyone have a web line chart script that works with ASP?
    Brad T. Simms
    SQL Server Database Admin


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