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Don't give up on the Sac Jack! Sing in A minor please.

mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭
Sung in rockabilly style.

Don't give up on the Sac Jack!
Don't give up on the Sac Jack!
It might need a new front,
It might need a new back, but
Don't give up on the Sac Jack.

We gotta git rid of that Washington Dollar
I know folks will scream, I know that they'll holler.
But I'm tellin you it's they only way
To keep that Dollar coin here to stay,
And that is why I'm here to say

Don't give up on the Sac Jack!
Don't give up on the Sac Jack!
It might tarnish a bit
When you handle it. But
Don't give up on the Sac Jack!

So give up those paper ones and grab some Sacs
Don't ya think about the front, don't fret about the back
Just carry them around in a big ol Sack
Leave em for tips, spend them on snacks, but
Don't give up on the Sacs Jack.
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