How to remove spots from a cent.

I'm going through a few rolls of cents. Some of them have what seems to be water spots on them. From being rinsed and not drying properly I presume. They're in original wrappers. I've seen threads talking about removing these spots but forgot what they said.
Is there a way to do it without harming the coin? If I can remove these spots, they sure would look better!
I posted this on the US Forum too. Two Forums are better than one for advice.
Is there a way to do it without harming the coin? If I can remove these spots, they sure would look better!
I posted this on the US Forum too. Two Forums are better than one for advice.

How long should it soak?
Should I rinse it well afterwards?
Leave them in the oil for at least a few days ,than just keep checking them.Are these coins expensive?
I run mine under hot water than pat them dry with a soft cloth.If your familar with MS 70 you can use that to remove the oil.I delute the ms70..with plain tap water 50/50 on a cotton ball,dont rub hard,and do it quick and rinse...It works for me altho im use to the product.Al
I opened three rolls of Canadian cents, 1967, to see what they looked like. They're beautiful! Except, most of them have what looks like water spots on them.