You guys seem to like odd ebay auctions....
Posts: 124
Now can someone tell me exactly what the shipping, handling, ebay, paypal fee will be for this one. At least it's not overgraded.
It does have a big picture though, so grade it yourself....
Now can someone tell me exactly what the shipping, handling, ebay, paypal fee will be for this one. At least it's not overgraded.
It does have a big picture though, so grade it yourself....
"Buyer is to pay flat shipping and listing fee of $1.25 per coin (sorry no break for multiples as the listing fees and PayPal fees continue). Good luck and thanks for bidding.Buyer to pay listing, shipping and handling fee of $2.25 per coin. "
Hey I can read. It is either $1.25 or $2.25 Geesh you sound suspicious.....LOL
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