set weighting question ...
Posts: 2,759 ✭✭✭
Know this has been covered before, but can't find any of the threads.
When submitting a suggested set weighting, should the numbers be based solely on SMR ?
I know the population reports should be used sparingly to affect the weighting because the pops can change.
But what about stars and semi-stars that have been either over or under valued in the SMR and Beckett for years ?
The people building the sets, after a few years, have a more accurate handle on just what the cards go for.
Also, what about commons of players from popular and unpopular teams.
There is often quite a difference in what these go for. Should this be taken into account ?
I sent in a proposed weighting for a modern set last week, and my experience was that they go by straight SMR. Depending on the set your proposing, it may be Evan Thompson, not Joe Orlando, that has initially weighted the set. The response I got was, that based on SMR, Pete Rose, Tom Seaver, and Joe Morgan are commons.
Currently collecting.....your guess is as good as mine.
determination of the weighting is
based upon the population in nm-mt(psa 8).
Any high grade OPC Jim Palmer
High grade Redskins (pre 1980)