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New set registry features that I would like to see...

Here are a couple of new set registry feature that I would like to see, tell me what you think.

1) I would like to see two dates automatically generated the first date would be a "born-on" date (The date the set was first listed on the registry) and secondly a "completion" date (When the set reaches 100%). The completion date could also be used as a tie breaker. For example: 1986-87 Fleer Basketball Set The first person to complete this set in all PSA 10 cards should win the tie-breaker as the Number One All-Time Finest Set.

2) I would also like to see a "TITLE" (1986-87 Fleer Basketball) OF WHAT SET THIS IS, ON THE TOP OF THE PAGE. If a Title is not doable then maybe a link that would take you back to The Main Page that has the set description. I personally change the name of my set from Carlos D. Aponte's Set to Carlos D. Aponte's 1972 Topps Football Set because some people had no idea as to what set I was linking them to.

Just my $0.02

Carlos image



    Hey Carlos, A couple of good ideas.

    On your first thought...I've often wondered about what would happen when "a few" collectors ended up at the same top lever..ie 10's. A born on date would certainly pick a clear winner and all time champ. On the other hand...How would you like to be 2nd place for eternity??? It might be more intresting if, once a collector reached 100% at all 10's, that the set be moved into a special catagory like "The PSA Realm" or "The Perfect PSA Club" and so forth. I know that one of my Kellogg sets is nearing an all 10 level, and I would be pretty upset to stay out of the running for life.

    The second thought you have is being done on, at least , a few sets. Pull up 1972 Kellogg's baseball and you will see a heading. The downside to this, is that the title says "1972 Kellogg's"...That could be 1972 Kellogg's Baseball, 1972 Kelloggs ATG baseball, or even 1972 Kellogg's football.................1972 Kellogg's means a lot of different things. I would like to see the titles on top of the regisrty represent a clearer understanding of what you are looking at.

    And just like you Carlos,...just my $.02

    Happy New year!

    I LOVE FANCY CURRENCY, pretty girls, Disney Dollars, pretty girls, MPC's, ..did I mention pretty girls???


  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    CARLOS - I too! would like to see the origin of when the set was first registered. On my checklist sheet, I write down the day I first entered the set and an approximate set # as well. Its a good idea to keep tabs of your start date so you can figure how long it took to complete, especially if you set a time-frame goal of say 6 months or 1 year...jay
  • Carlos,

    Those are two very good ideas. The PSA Registry should be set up the same way as the PCGS Registry. The PCGS Registry has links on each set page to link back to the main pages, and I would also love to see a born" date, and completion date for each set.

    I think the possiblities of what PSA can do with the Registry are limitless. I think that by combining it with the Pop report it could be come a very useful database, and combining it with selling and trading tools, it could be very useful for finding and selling cards. I wouldn't even be against there being some features available as a premium for a small fee. I think one possibility would be to have a feature that allows you to look at a certain card, and find out how many are registered on the registry in each grade compared to the total population.
  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭
    I'd actually like to have balloons and confetti drop from the ceiling of my home office when I enter the last card into a set!image

    But, short of that, I'd also like to see a "collection" list on the registry where the Fogels, Merkels, Brancas and Davalillos of the world can hold the top spots and I can look to claw my way up from 725th position - one spot at a time.
    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • Carlos-- First I hope the fight will be a short one and good luck in Clevland.

    Second- I think the born on date is a good idea but I have a problem with the tiebreaker. I am not sure this is needed. It may not give a collector the incentive to start a set if the only place he can achieve is second because of timing or finacial reasons. If the best someone can do is a PSA 10 and he gets there and recieves nothing better than second or maybe third or fourth than the drive is less than 100 percent. Just a thought.

    Visit my site @ www.djjscards.com
  • Wow, I see this thread brought out some of the heavy hitters. I'd like to throw my 2 pennies out there. I agree, there needs to be some kind of title or heading with the set listed. Seems to me, if your looking through someone's collection that has several sets registered (not me image) it could get easy to confuse just which set your looking at.
    Second, I agree with Larry, Lord of Battlecreek, MI, it would a bitter pill to swallow if one had a set in perfect condition and stuck at #2, simply because he could be a day late (potentially) in aquiring that last remaining 10. Both of those folks should share the top spot and maybe be moved to an elite status, say a Ring of Honor, feel free to name it as you wish. This staus should be reserved for those who complete a set with the finest cards possible.
    I would like to see a history tab included, maybe it cause I'm still a little bit of a rookie, but for me, it would be nice to see and remember when I added the Ryan card or Schmidt card, etc. Or when I finally came across that nearly impossible low pop common, the 69 Shannon comes to mind. By the way, we here in St. Louis call Mike Shannon, the "Moon Man", funny story, but I'll save it for another thread.
    Stan Musial topped the .300 mark 17 times and won seven National League batting titles. A three-time MVP, he played in 24 All-Star Games. Probably, the greatest player who is overlooked and underappreciated.
  • Carlos - I like the "Born on Date" idea! I wish I could remember when I started my sets on the registry! I may be in overtime on it already. My twopence would go for booting the guys that won't allow viewing of their sets to the bottom of the registry regardless of their rating! I understand the reason some of them do it but looking at somesone's set name and completion % is boring! Keep coming up with the new ideas - it really helps keep the motovation going. Rick
    Always looking for 53 Topps Baseball and "stuff"
  • There are probably hundreds of ideas for new features you could come up with. How about showing the last time a set was updated and list what card/grade was added/upgraded. I agree that a title should be added to the top of every set. I've even been confused with my own sets - sometimes I edit more than one of my sets at a time in different windows. I have to look at the card #s and player names to identify which set each one is. If I'm updating sets that I'm not too familiar with yet, it takes a little while to figure it out.


    I totally agree about members not allowing their sets to be viewed. I also know the reason why some people do it, but I left my 1970 Topps BB set visible for the month prior to the set registry awards while others had them hidden, and I still received a certificate, although there was some stiff competition. I even go one step further - I post a scan (front & back) of every card that I list on the set registry, whether it is a PSA 5 or PSA 10. I wish more members would do this. It allows others to see what cards look like in varying grades. It is also a great database for cards. I've pulled scans from other members' sets for various purposes, and it's great to have that resource available. I know Carlos did it for his '74 Topps set, and I've looked at a lot of those scans as a reference. I know it's not an option for some and can be time consuming, but it really adds to the experience.

  • JEB - I have tried several times to add scans to my sets but just can't seem to get it right - I would love to get them with the sets. I agree with showing the sets - PSA 5 or PSA 10! I like seeing how people are doing on their sets either way. It is nice seeing even the lowbuck guys (me being one of them) upgrade their sets. Jpezl has been upgrading his 53 Topps set and I check it out each time he has an "updated" flag on it. He has done great! Rick
    Always looking for 53 Topps Baseball and "stuff"
  • carkimcarkim Posts: 1,166 ✭✭
    FYI !!!

    I emailed this thread to BJ...Maybe she can add to this discussion. If I hear back from her I'll let everyone know of her response.

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