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New version of Coin Inventory ready for download



  • BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,383 ✭✭✭
    I've been trying to download this again, last time it wouldn't open, now when I click the download button after entering my name and email address, it swithes to the download screen and locks up. Task manager tells me it's not respponding. I know it's not my browser, I have cable, and I can surf other webpages at the same time the download page is stuck.
    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
  • BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,383 ✭✭✭
    Okay, I downloaded the program again. Everything seems to have downloaded and installed properly. However, after the program opens I get a message that says "The search key was not found in any record" and the hour glass stays on like the program is trying to open up. When I clisk OK in the dialog box, another dialog box called Linked Data Bases opens up. I have two options at this point, Link and close. If I click link, I get the same message as before. If I click close, the program closes. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so how did you fix it?

    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
  • Fantasiize,

    Thanks for the suggestion of the photo - I will try to get some photos and post them - not lazy - sick wife.

    Thanks! I believe it is genuine, by the way.

    U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.
  • Kranky,

    Thanks for the good suggestion - Ken's web is great and I am a fan of his. And, yes, the coin does exhibit that Blake-whats-his'name effect, so i was pretty sure it was genuine from the get-go - just wanted to post it to see what kinds of responses would come.


    U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.
  • Dennis,

    First let me thank you for your service to your country! Too many people are not willing to fight for what they have been given by so many honorable men. I saw a bumper sticker the other day, "We'll forgive Jane Fonda when the Jews forgive Hitler!" A crude and insensitive analogy but not too far off the mark. (I lay bleeding in the jungle of Vietnam while clinton was in Moscow making propaganda films for the Commies!)

    Sorry you're having trouble with the installation. Now it sounds like you did not download the Access 2002 XP runtime. I presume from your brief description of your system that you are running perhaps Access 2000 and felt you did not need it. Unfortunately, you do need the runtime as the XP version supports a lot of the "Dot.Net" code that we are converting the COIN INVENTORY program to. Both versions can be resident and should not interefer with each other.

    If you wil pm me with your email address, and if you need it, I will have one of my programmers set up a "Net Meeting" with you and find out what is wrong. We WILL get the software running for you.

    (You're not on the Geo. Washington are you?)

    U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.
  • meos1meos1 Posts: 1,135

    Thanks for accepting me onto the beta test team. I installed the product with some errors that were easily worked around. Do you have a list of fixes for this build. To that matter is there a list of bugs identified and remediated? I have a short list of stuff but don't want to duplicate reports. Maybe we could put up a web page for this data.

    Sounds like some one said stress test and another mentioned clustered SQL server. I would be intersted to hear your thoughts about direction for the product and when it might become a pay model.

    Keep going, it is getting better;

    I am just throwing cheese to the rats chewing on the chains of my sanity!

    First Place Winner of the 2005 Rampage design contest!
  • Dan,
    Thanks for the great comments! And thanks for helping us test and develop this thing. The fixes and updates should be coming more frequently now. If you've downloaded the latest one, you should have gotten a list of fixes and changes in the notification message. Your suggestion is a good one and we are trying to implement that - thanks! However, I have many problems in being very responsive with detail. In addition to being fat, old, ugly, stupid and lazy I am also somewhat disorganized. My generous friends say, "he paints with broad strokes", and they are, as I say, generous. We are in the midst of installing major systems at three different companies, at offices and facilities all over the world, so we may be a little short on detail. However, I am sure you will notice many changes in the software with each successive update. Hopefully they will be for the better.

    Please don't worry about duplicate reports - at the very least they direct our attention to critical areas and sometimes we find the fixed needs to be fixed again. I turn them all over to the program manager, he fits them into a schedule after analysizing and cross-checking. He does provide me reports - maybe I could post some of those somewhere?

    We do have an inhouse test team. Diabolical! I just found out that we are running some of the software tests on a series of servers running operational code for one of our major customers! They wanted to run it under heavy load. The "stress" in this case is on me. And yes, we are testing clusters and all sorts of whiz-bangs. We are submitting one of our programs to MS for certification under "Dot.Net" and will probably do the same with COINs when it reaches that point.

    We intend to list a retail price for the basic program at the end of January at $79.95. What I really want to do is give the basic program away free and charge for special features on a nominal subscription basis. My initial goal is 100,000 users. I know there are many more coin collectors, I don't know how many use computers and our goal is to "encourage" them all to use computers by making our program so good that they cannot afford to not use it. Any suggestions?


    Thanks for accepting me onto the beta test team. I installed the product with some errors that were easily worked around. Do you have a list of fixes for this build. To that matter is there a list of bugs identified and remediated? I have a short list of stuff but don't want to duplicate reports. Maybe we could put up a web page for this data.

    Sounds like some one said stress test and another mentioned clustered SQL server. I would be intersted to hear your thoughts about direction for the product and when it might become a pay model.

    Keep going, it is getting better;


    U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.

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