The 2002 moron of the year goes to ........

BECKETTSUCKS for being such moronic idiot. This guy complains if his auctions sell too low, but doesn't have any bad feeling about sniping other sellers auctions. Sniping costs the sellers money. What goes around comes around. You are the moron that started auctions at a penny when listing fees cost you $.30. You could have listed them up to $9.99 at the same cost, but YOU chose not to. Awe, no one feels sorry for you that you lost money. Boo Hoo..... Why should anyone feel sorry for you? You are looking for the lowest price possible when buying also. I have made an error in listing auctions. I didn't spell the players name correctly in the Title and the auction ended lower than what it would have, but I still sold the card. I have bought cards on ebay and then later decided I no longer wanted them and resold them and have taken a loss, because the demand at the selling time was lower than when I bought it. Should card companies feel bad when they insert the common Game Used Cards BV $10-$15 in $60 packs and refund your money because you lost as a Buyer and a seller trying to get $10-15 for it? What about when beckett lowers and raises the BV's of cards? Should the Seller get the card back from the buyer when the cards go up in value and the Seller refund some money when it goes down? You and everything you have stated is a total joke. Businesses lose on things every day, but still manage to be successful. Sometimes gas stations take a loss in price of gas due to competition, but make up for it by selling selling extra merchandise inside their store. If you won an auction for a 2003 corvette for $5000 because the seller made an error and is gonna lose money, would you say, that's ok, you can keep it. I think not, you would want your car. Then what if the seller told you it would cost $50,000 to ship it because you didn't care that he was losing money? I'm sure you would be upset too and wouldn't take that crap. If there is one thing that business people are told, it is the customer is always right. Even if it isn't true, you don't want to make your customer mad and cost you extra business. So even if you are gonna lose money, it is better to take the loss and learn from your mistake, than to make the mistake of ruining your reputation. If you are in card collecting to make money, then you are treating it like a business and not a hobby. If you want to treat it as a business you'll most likely lose more than you'll gain, unless you find the deals on ebay where the SELLER IS LOSING MONEY, which I am sure you have bought more than your share of those auctions.
Personal Collection
BECKETTSUCKS is the Moron look at an auction he won and e all know the seller had to lose money seeing packs cost Around $25-$30