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Selling all the cards on my site! Minus the bibbys

Let me know if you need anything from my site that you would like to purchase. I wont sell any bibbys except for one (which is the 98-99 OVation Gold rc #/1000). For a fast response, IM me at aman0027 or E-Mail me at aman0027@aol.com or just PM me.
Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you


  • Please gimme your selll price on each individual card, not as a lot

    99-00 SP Authentic SOTT Antonio McDyess auto bv$15
    00-01 Upper Deck Shareef Abdur-Rahim Jersey bv25
    01-02 Fleer Authentix Rashard Lewis Jersey and Ticket
    01-02 Fleer Genuine Coverage Plus Dermarr Johnson NNO bv10
    01-02 Topps Xpectations Eddie Griffin First Shot jersey bv20 (Has 2 creases)
    02-03 SP Game Used Richard Jefferson jersey/auto #64/100 bv30
    02-03 SP Game Used Darius Miles Special SIGnificance auto #27/50 bv80
  • the jefferson is pending but heres the prices;

    99-00 SP Authentic SOTT Antonio McDyess auto bv$15 $5.00
    00-01 Upper Deck Shareef Abdur-Rahim Jersey bv25 $10.00
    01-02 Fleer Authentix Rashard Lewis Jersey and Ticket $5.00
    01-02 Fleer Genuine Coverage Plus Dermarr Johnson NNO bv10 $4.00
    01-02 Topps Xpectations Eddie Griffin First Shot jersey bv20 (Has 2 creases) $4.00

    02-03 SP Game Used Darius Miles Special SIGnificance auto #37/50 bv80 $30.00
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • i'll get back to you, BTW do you have an extra Bibby game used for trade or sale?
  • not at this moment, i only will sell his ovation gold #/1000 rc now...i could probably go 10 dollars on that one.
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • I like these.....plmk

    02-03 SP Game Used Antonio McDyess jersey bv15

    02-03 SP Game Used Hanno Motola SIGnificance #/100 bv??

    02-03 SP Game Used Richard Jefferson jersey/auto #64/100 bv30

    02-03 SP Game Used Darius Miles Special SIGnificance auto #27/50 bv80
  • tmac21- Could you do 40 dlvd for these 3?

    02-03 SP Game Used Antonio McDyess jersey bv15
    02-03 SP Game Used Hanno Motola SIGnificance #/100 bv??
    02-03 SP Game Used Darius Miles Special SIGnificance auto #27/50 bv80
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • ttt
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • ttt
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • what is the best price u can give me on the Jefferson Fleer Exclusives patch.

  • I think im gonna eBay the jefferson patch, see anything else?
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • the Curry Patch, TMac jersey #'d to 100, and Stackhouse shoe.

    Let me know your prices on them please.
  • For the curry i would need 18 and 20 for the tmac #/100. The stackhouse shoe card is a nice card but i got it for free because it is very creased down the middle so i dont think you would want that
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
  • ttt
    Rest in peace Josh, we'll all miss you
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