Here are some tips: 1) Don't think about your shot 2) Don't make stupid passes 3) Drive to the hoop 4) Play good Defense 5) Box out 6) Don't get fancy play disiplined 7) Don't tell your parents to argue with the coach if you dont play 8) Go hard in practice
Hey man, I'm 17 and live in Australia, I've originally played intertown BKB then district, state for my school and now I've stepped up to the next level and I only started playing when I was your age. From my experience of starting late I quickly learned that the best thing to do is specialize in one position. Originally I was a centre and began posting up but as other grew I'm now a guard and have to work more on ball handling. If your a guard try to get really good on both sides of your body and be THE playmaker, for example be the Kobe and not the Iverson. Iverson insists on taking the shots himself and doesn't often create but Kobe has learned to score but create more and more. Thats the key to your position. A GOOD ROLE MODEL FOR YOU WOULD BE JASON KIDD. one word "awareness".
WANT All of Hakeem "the dream"Olajuwon that I don't have.
collector, since your young and have a lot of b-ball ahead of you i would concentrate on 1 thing
FUNDAMENTALS !! for example , can you dribble with both hands ?( not at the same time of course ) Can you dribble without looking down at the ball ? if your dominant hand is your right work on making sure you can dribble just as well with your left. If you work hard and practice your fundamentals at every part of the game now at an early age by the time your in high school you'll be a solid player
another thing is to practice on your own not just during your team practices. thats how i got so good lol
I am 14 on the 8th grade "A" team ..... the key is listening to your coach and going HARD in practice...bottom line..PRACTICE LAZY PLAY LAZY...PRACTICE HARD PLAY GOOOOOD
Good luck from both of us.CJ started his indoor soccer season as well.Just learn the fundamentals well & the rest will come in time. The most important thing at this age is to have FUN;lots & lots of FUN.There will be plenty of time later in life to get serious about stuff.HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Bob & CJ Dad & Son
! ! UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ! ! ! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! ! ! ! FREEDOM IS NOT FREE ! !
WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts. Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.
References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
There have been some great points made already and I'm gonna repeat a few of them:
1) practice twice as much dribbling with your weak hand as you do with your strong have to be able to go either way. Especially at your age, if you are right handed and go strong to your left while dribbling with your left hand, you can really dominate. A lot of the other kids your age that are right handed will only guard you to your right because they don't think about someone being able to go left because they can't go left!!
2) Square up to the basket and take solid shots and use the backboard. Dont try and showboat or take off balance shots.
3) One thing that my first coach told me clear back in 1983 that has stuck with me and that I now tell my kids is this: "how you practice is how you play". If you don't go all out in practice, you won't go all out in the game. If you try and "conserve your energy" during practice, you'll have a lot of time to conserve it during the game because you'll be sitting on the pine.
If you don't know how to shoot it is a miracle that you made the team. Either take charge and be the go to guy and carry the team or be a role player and feed the ball to the main man.
coaches really don't give a crap if you can shoot or not (atleast in my school). all they really want to see is good ball handling skills however if you can shoot, that's a plus.
my tip from experience is make sure u make ur team mates happy and play ur hardest cuz if u slack off a lil that could be the game and dont take stupid shots also dont me afraid 2 shoot or drive and good luck man!
ive got 2 season starting around the same time good luck man
My New Site Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
im right handed an probably dominate with my left. Weird though i can dribble real good wit my right too. For those who watch and one, im simualr to hot sause. THats why they call me tylenol( my own name). When i break yo ankles youll need some medicine to heal you. Anyways, lol, col1ector i sent your cards yesterday.You?
trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89
Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES
There is one move that I made about half of my points with.
If a man is guarding you tight, take a jab step to the weak side, dribble under your weak leg, bring it all back quickly, square up and let her fly. This creates a comfortable gap between you and the defense. If he gets wise, (will take a while at your age group), jump into him just a little, so he makes contact with you and he will be called for a foul.
Worked like a charm for me. I would score about 10 pts a game with it and even more when they start fouling. Hit your free throws. If you do this move and can't hit the freebies, you will find yourself on your tail end alot. This move really irratates the defender and if your change it up a little, you will really tick him off. Instead of squaring it up for a shot, you can keep your dibble, and when he is bolting to get to the shot, you can dribble into him and he will plow into you. Another free throw=money.
You have received some fine advice, but none better than to enjoy the game. If you love the game, you will want to excel at it, and everything else will fall in place...Good luck to you !!!
I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading
And another thing. PLAY D. I see so many kids now days not playing d. Great offense will help you make the team but great d will keep you playing. A coach always need people playing d.
#1 tip in shooting - No Motion! What I mean by this is, don't force your body back and forth in the air when shooting. Some players shoot and then land a foot or so forward. You need to be straight up and down (No Motion).
"There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it" "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
Personal Collection
1) Don't think about your shot
2) Don't make stupid passes
3) Drive to the hoop
4) Play good Defense
5) Box out
6) Don't get fancy play disiplined
7) Don't tell your parents to argue with the coach if you dont play
8) Go hard in practice
Personal Collection
From my experience of starting late I quickly learned that the best thing to do is specialize in one position. Originally I was a centre and began posting up but as other grew I'm now a guard and have to work more on ball handling. If your a guard try to get really good on both sides of your body and be THE playmaker,
for example be the Kobe and not the Iverson. Iverson insists on taking the shots himself and doesn't often create but Kobe has learned to score but create more and more. Thats the key to your position.
I have 44% of ALL Hakeems.
FUNDAMENTALS !! for example , can you dribble with both hands ?( not at the same time of course
Can you dribble without looking down at the ball ? if your dominant hand is your right work on making sure you can dribble just as well with your left. If you work hard and practice your fundamentals at every part of the game now at an early age by the time your in high school you'll be a solid player
another thing is to practice on your own not just during your team practices. thats how i got so good lol
The most important thing at this age is to have FUN;lots & lots of FUN.There will be plenty of time later in life to get serious about stuff.HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Dad & Son
! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !
WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.
References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
1) practice twice as much dribbling with your weak hand as you do with your strong have to be able to go either way. Especially at your age, if you are right handed and go strong to your left while dribbling with your left hand, you can really dominate. A lot of the other kids your age that are right handed will only guard you to your right because they don't think about someone being able to go left because they can't go left!!
2) Square up to the basket and take solid shots and use the backboard. Dont try and showboat or take off balance shots.
3) One thing that my first coach told me clear back in 1983 that has stuck with me and that I now tell my kids is this: "how you practice is how you play". If you don't go all out in practice, you won't go all out in the game. If you try and "conserve your energy" during practice, you'll have a lot of time to conserve it during the game because you'll be sitting on the pine.
4) Be able to make your free throws.
Ebay feedback: 4100+
coaches really don't give a crap if you can shoot or not (atleast in my school). all they really want to see is good ball handling skills however if you can shoot, that's a plus.
ive got 2 season starting around the same time good luck man
Only Looking for Caron Butler right now or stuff to improve my tradelist
I'll start to work on my left hand more often
I am one of the better shooters on the team but I wanna get even better. I'll tell ya guys how the season goes...Happy Holidays
trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89
Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES
If a man is guarding you tight, take a jab step to the weak side, dribble under your weak leg, bring it all back quickly, square up and let her fly. This creates a comfortable gap between you and the defense. If he gets wise, (will take a while at your age group), jump into him just a little, so he makes contact with you and he will be called for a foul.
Worked like a charm for me. I would score about 10 pts a game with it and even more when they start fouling. Hit your free throws. If you do this move and can't hit the freebies, you will find yourself on your tail end alot. This move really irratates the defender and if your change it up a little, you will really tick him off. Instead of squaring it up for a shot, you can keep your dibble, and when he is bolting to get to the shot, you can dribble into him and he will plow into you. Another free throw=money.
Nowitzki & mavs stuff
References: cpdhenry, clearandvalid, lafrentz06,
woodson24kg, burress80, chayne2, BigE187211, kr580, bjork73, BUD, DUNCANGAL,
pacmanssportscards, KOBEcollector, Speedmaster
Nowitzki & mavs stuff
References: cpdhenry, clearandvalid, lafrentz06,
woodson24kg, burress80, chayne2, BigE187211, kr580, bjork73, BUD, DUNCANGAL,
pacmanssportscards, KOBEcollector, Speedmaster
Thanks Joyce...I do love the game
"We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."