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This came up with a caution symbol when I was confriming a bid.

Autograph Buying Tip: Autographs are commonly sold with a "Certificate of Authenticity" -- also known as a COA. Many COAs come from credible sources which can add prestige and even financial value to a particular autograph. Meanwhile, other COAs effectively add no value to an autograph given that any seller can provide his or her own personal COA -- whether the item is authentic or not.

In addressing the potential for fraud, eBay has established certain requirements regarding COAs: If a seller promotes that an item comes with a COA, the seller must provide details about the certificate, including the name of the issuing party. Listings that do not comply with this requirement are in violation of eBay policy and may not be covered by eBay's Fraud Protection service.

Get an Expert Opinion
eBay has sought out qualified experts in the autograph field who, for a nominal fee, will evaluate a listing that you wish to bid on and will offer their opinion on its authenticity. Trade smart and take advantage of this "Quick Opinion" service.


  • Comes up all the time now when bidding. I first got it when bidding on a card so I thought it was just for sports auctions. Now I get it for everything. Wonder why the in-your-face advice now.
  • if someone is too dumb, and they dont already know that, they shouldnt bid on autos on ebay...thats basic knowledge and annoying a fcuk when im trying to snipe an auction and i gotta scroll thru that junk...
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    LOL... I tried to buy the wife an auto'ed Fedorov Jersey on ebay. I noticed it said they bought the jersey from a personal collection and that it came with their own personal COA. I asked him how this was a COA and he said he knew the guy was honest and he'd been in the business long enough to spot a fake... I saved my money there...
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