Oh man...Hideki "Godzilla" Matsui a Yankee...this is gonna be Ichiro mania times 10.

3 years @ 21 million.
Supposed to be better than Ichiro and Bonds put together??? wtf?
Supposed to be better than Ichiro and Bonds put together??? wtf?
***Yankees WS Champs 2003***
my page
Ichiro is to Matsui as Pujols is to Byrd
Sounds good to me
my page
<< <i>Almost every Byrd card dropped almost 50% this month. Glad I'm not you. >>
That's actually good, now i can get them cheaper. BTW, the month before that they went up about %50, now there just cooling down again.
References: Hakeemthedream, TRfirstpitch, Clearandvalid, Itsjustme, lilgotz, ejones06
CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
<< <i>its gonna be the hideki yankee curse...irabu bombed, this guys gunna hit .108 with like 4 home runs and error after error and hes gunna sign with some bad team and have a long, bad career. should be interesting to watch this... >>
are you slow, or just dumb?
<< <i>thats if he passes his physical for the yankees though >>
why would you say that?
CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
as is James good for basketball. I can now put both these guys on my
"cards I will never pull from packs" list! Look for the first product that has
him in it, have his rookie card numberd to 50...and then all the companies have
to make lower numbered cards!!
my page
near as many Japanese fans will be willing to travel that far like they were able to with Ichiro.
Also,this guy is older as well;not as much of his peak career time is left.Baseball is grabbing at anything to try to save its' fan base.1st
the Pete Rose deal & now this.It won't be near enough as far as we're concerned.
We have boycotted buying any new baseball product;bunch of greedy jerks-players & owners.We'll just collect the Ripkens we need & some vintage cards of players we like.
When we want to see a ball game,we'll spend our money with our class A ball club here in town;at least we'll be watching players playing the game because they love the sport.
Dad & Son
! ! Greatest Country on Earth ! !
WANTS:Nicer Cal Ripken Inserts.
Also want RCs of current Football-Hockey future stars.
References:We have traded with many traders on this forum.We can provide list on request.
<< <i>Almost every Byrd card dropped almost 50% this month. Glad I'm not you. >>
LMAO! that has to do with him being any good? wow, didn't think people could be that dumb but OK. You will see when Byrd wins ROY
Personal Collection
It will be interesting to see if this follows through next year when it looks to be a bonanza of possible free agents
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
<< <i>bob, couldnt agree more...baseball has gone way downhill in the past few years, and that pete rose thing is bs, he is a legend, and should be recognized as one, even though he screwed up...matsui will be a good hitter for the yankees, they can sure use it...and no, he wont be nearly as big as ichiro because it has been done before, this is nothing new for baseball. >>
oh yea...a great hitter...just like irabu was a great pitcher right? the point i was making before you called me dumb...they say he was the equivalent to like nolan ryan in japan now hes the equivalent to american crap and its going to be the same thing with matsui...the yankees have a pitching problem, so lets let go a reliever that can get the job done and sign a hitter that can hit meatballs off japanese pitchers...did you see the americans vs the japs? i dont believe the ball touched mr godzillas bat...either that or someone had to translate "swing" for him...the yankes cant use hitting....they have clutch hitting which is what they need pitching is their problem....the rocket is old...pettite is inconsistent....weaver would be good if baseball games were 4 innings long....so whos the slow one?
References: Hakeemthedream, TRfirstpitch, Clearandvalid, Itsjustme, lilgotz, ejones06
References: Hakeemthedream, TRfirstpitch, Clearandvalid, Itsjustme, lilgotz, ejones06
The Greatest Players in the History of Pro Football
References: Hakeemthedream, TRfirstpitch, Clearandvalid, Itsjustme, lilgotz, ejones06