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Anybody Wanna Trade Basketball For A Football Patch Please Read!!

I have a 3 color Patch from Football, but do not collect football!!! If you like football, and have basketball to trade for it, please PM me, thanks!
Looking for all Tracy McGrady Cards, even base.
Looking for ALL Autos of Qyntel Woods, even multiples.
Looking for ALL Autos of Lamar Odom

image#1 Qyntel Woods Collectorimage


  • What is the patch card? BV? LMK what you'd want from me.
    want (in this order):
    video games & systems
    Culpepper sportscards
  • I'm intereseted I only have a few Basketball gu left and will be glad to get rid of them since I don't collect Basketball............LMK
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • Who is the patch of? Check my site for BKB I need to move, plus I have a Tayshaun Prince Regular Rookie from Expectations. NBT
    The only thing you can`t get rid of by losing it, is your temper!!! Heres an idea, if everyone would mind their own business we would all get along better!!!!
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