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Have you ever......

My thread about Coingame2000's buffalo has me thinking......

Has anyone ever passed on a coin because of price and gone back later and paid MORE for it that you originally would have because you HAD to have it? Or maybe it just stuck with you and you couldn't "shake" it?

Maybe your finances changed etc......?

Love to hear a few war stories........
Toast on


  • RonyahskiRonyahski Posts: 3,117 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, I know what you mean. It has happened to me a couple of times at auctions.

    Latest, I bid on a PF67 Seated dime at a B&M Baltimore auction at a price I thought, comfortably, would get the coin. It didn't. I wouldv'e paid more for the coin, but I didn't bid what I was willing to pay.

    I tracked the coin for six months, finally finding the dealer who outbid me. I paid his bid, auction fee, regrade fees, and a profit to him, and finally got the coin, for more than I could've won it at auction.
    Some refer to overgraded slabs as Coffins. I like to think of them as Happy Coins.
  • airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,240 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorta... took me too long to realize image

    I could have had a MS (I think) and frosty PL (basically CAM... maybe it was proof?) 3c nickel for $15... didn't have the money image It was gone when i went back imageimageimageimageimage

    Jeremy image
    JK Coin Photography - eBay Consignments | High Quality Photos | LOW Prices | 20% of Consignment Proceeds Go to Pancreatic Cancer Research
  • I've done it many times with paper. The latest I coulda had for $300 a year ago and instead I just paid $600 for the same thing. I hate it when I do that!!!
    "Don't talk like an ignarosis."

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