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I can use PS1 games also..swap for cards

lmk what PS1 games u have for trade, i brought one as a gift for some1, also memory cards too
**no sports games, maybe racing**



  • I have cards for cards....To many games can be played on the internet to mess with xbox or ps2 junk....
  • i have
    area 51
    tiger woods 99
    nascar 98
    twisted metal 2
    wcw nitro
    wwf in the house

    lmk if u need ne of em
    refs:Allenimage, knicks644, kls23, nismo68, kobecollector, truballer, nodoubt64, abandcards,ahares, jccrum, dmiles89, thematrix31, heelsfan1, joebenson, amfox1, metros69, tmac21, l3ulls4us, 90 more email refs on my site ..28 ebay refs

    bad traders:
    bradely25 aka JBSportscards

  • Oh yeah, there was a point to me typing that first thing...you had a card I was interested in on a post somewhere...I have a Genuine Jefferson RC and 3 or 4 others I could part with.
  • here is what i have

    multi tap. its a thing where up to i think 8 players can play
    2 in 1 memory card( i have 2). They are really nice
    Metal gear solid
    grad tourismo 2
    live 2002
    Fear effect

    trade refs on CU: Udwashington,cardjunkie3, chipperedredwolf,rbarra, big shane,dmiles89

    Lookin for garnett,tmac,and especially Olajuwon gu/auto or rcs. will trade up to 1.5 book for olajuwon SOMETIMES
  • fuzz..good games but..sorry cant use them (i know the type of genre he likes) also pm your link again

    LiveAndLearn...lol u lost me on the 1st reply! if any of them are #d id be intrested

    Thylenol..lmk what ud take for the fear effect and a memory card..chk my page

  • Grand Theft Auto Director's Cut (Regular game, with GTA London as well)
    EA Golf '98 image
  • good game chad..but i know the type of games my bro will like:

    survivor-horror (resident evil type)
    fighting (no wrestling though)

    thx anyway image
  • LOL, c'mon, Wrestling games are good, clean fun image.
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