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Pic of Marino Auto Ball and COA

From UD Authentic. If interested, make me an offer I can`t refuse. NBT
The only thing you can`t get rid of by losing it, is your temper!!! Heres an idea, if everyone would mind their own business we would all get along better!!!!


  • How much are you looking for in trade for it ?????
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • sweet ball, i got a ball signed by Jim Kelly and Doug Flutie
    my site
    CU Refs- Fuzz86, Duncangalx2, lafrentz06, playr050, ahares, battier, PunKrocKtrojaN, SpeedMaster x2, Magic1fan, Beave2, Patman2011, pugsley, lilgotz1, netfan5, gmac, felix76, nismo68, xxchamp34xx, kbryant1, dmiles89, ladude465, zbarr23, PHil2347, judgement, panthersfan, tomkat, kobecollector, ljmaya, jimjoe
  • Still looking for an offer I can`t refuse. Just pm me with your best offer if interested. The worst I can say is no, and who knows you may be the one with the offer I`m looking for. NBT
    The only thing you can`t get rid of by losing it, is your temper!!! Heres an idea, if everyone would mind their own business we would all get along better!!!!
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