yes yes yes heritage and two favorite places. heritage made good.. and fast .did you see the coins in the signature sale i am drolling..already bid on ten coins in the last 5 min
NBSQLGeek sure i think most board members do , it is still a business, i have a very small coin budget so i buy and sell to build my collection i buy 15 or so coins at a time and sell 10 and then i have 5 free it is not big time like some members. i am small potato's the most i ever made on a coin was $165 profit it is not much but it adds up!!!!
Im cool with it, i would do the same thing but does it actually make a profit. IM doing all I can to support my coin buying habbit. IM now buying US mint sets and breaking to sell on ebay.
Anyone have any other ideas to make some extra cash to buy more coins?
Brad T. Simms MCDBA MCSA MCP SQL Server Database Admin
You buy from Heritage and teletrade but then you sell them on EBay?
It's a LOT easier to sell the stuff yourself on e-bay than to go through the hassle of selling via consignment. Also, it'd take a LOT longer to get your money through Heritage than it would if you sold them through e-bay. I will say this for Heritage, though. Every once in a while, they get CRAZY price for their coins.
SQL Server Database Admin
sure i think most board members do , it is still a business, i have a very small coin budget so i buy and sell to build my collection i buy 15 or so coins at a time and sell 10 and then i have 5 free it is not big time like some members. i am small potato's the most i ever made on a coin was $165 profit it is not much but it adds up!!!!
Anyone have any other ideas to make some extra cash to buy more coins?
SQL Server Database Admin
It's a LOT easier to sell the stuff yourself on e-bay than to go through the hassle of selling via consignment. Also, it'd take a LOT longer to get your money through Heritage than it would if you sold them through e-bay. I will say this for Heritage, though. Every once in a while, they get CRAZY price for their coins.